
Why do I not feel like dating any girls? ...Is this normal?

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Why do I not feel like dating? I went out with this girl for 2.5 years, then I broke up with her. I haven't dated in about 1 year. I'm good looking, intelligent, want to be doctor, ect. I know I could get a girlfriend...(there are two girls right now that are interested in me) but I just...kinda don't feel like dating any girls right now. When I was a freshman in high school, I told myself I wasn't going to date anyone for atleast 2 years. And sure enough, I didn't date anyone until the 2nd half of my junior year on high school. something wrong with me? I mean...I am attracted to girls, ...I'm not g*y. I just feel kind of indifferent and apathetic toward dating right now. What should I do? Is this normal? I will be 21 in november.




  1. I know I may be a girl but let me tell you what I know. I don't think this isn't normal. Personally I don't really feel like dating any guys right now and thats just the way I feel. BUt, one of my guy friends is in the same place you are too. He was given the numbers of these girls and talked to them a few times until he just said "you know what, I really don't feel like dating anyone right now". Yeah, he's lazy and just doesn't want to put the time into it, but it''s basically the same thing. Sometomes dating is just a hassle so don't swear. I think we all go through those phases.  

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