I always only have nightmares, or bad dreams. The closest I come to having a good dream is one where I'm just really anxious in, and something is going wrong. I can't remember the last time I had a good dream.
When ever I have bad dreams, I wake up/wake my boyfriend up because I'm yelling or moaning and I'm very sweaty and I can't get back to sleep very easily. And they are so realistic a lot of the time. I've had dreams where my boyfriend or parents have died, and I'd wakeup and I'd really believe it, so I'd cry hysterically. Or a few nights ago I had a dream that my boyfriend cheated on me, and I woke up and he tried to hug me to go back to sleep but I was freaking out at him and crying.
I'm just wondering what anyone can tell me about this, if it helps, I worry a lot during the day and have had some panic attacks.