
Why do I pay federal and provincial taxes on my work checks? (Quebec) (I am 15 years old)?

by Guest34340  |  earlier

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I usually never paid prov. or fed. taxes on my checks. I only pay taxes to A-E and RQAP, which never totaled more than 12 dollars. Last check i worked for 48.5 hours and the federal removed a few dollars. This check, I worked for 74.5 hours (first time I work that much) and the Fed. and Prov. taxes removed 32$ and 23$ respectively. Is it normal for me to pay taxes at the age of 15? Don't we start paying taxes at the age of 18? Will I be getting this money back on my income taxes?

Thanks in advance.




  1. Taxes in Canada are based on your income not your age.  So yes it is normal for you to pay taxes at an age assuming you have enough income.  The way payroll tables and software work is they assume that the amount that you make on any given paycheck will be you normal salary for the rest of the year.  So the time you worked 74.5 hours will most likely make it look like you are earning more than the min exception amount.  

    Regarding getting money back when you file your income taxes, it  all depends on how much $$ you make for the entire year.

    Welcome to the tax pay public

  2. You pay tax based on income not age, I don't know what the basic exemption is in Quecbec but for example 100$ a week would = no tax but if one of those weeks you made 500$ than than you would pay tax that week but would likely get it back at end of year unless of course you have several higher  paid weeks to bring you over the basic for the year.

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