
Why do I see Zaffron at Walmart in the Mexican food section for $.99, but with regular spices- very expensive?

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I can buy a big bag (maybe an ounce) of threads with all the mexican spices very cheap, but in the regular spice section it's in a tiny bag in the jar (the jar not nearly full) and it's very expensive. I read that Zaffron and Saffron are the same thing, different spelling. And on the wiki article about saffron it warns that in the past strange additives were mixed with saffron-- but on the ingredients list it says only "Zaffron"-- is it possible there are weird additives, or is it just a lower grade? And should I go ahead and try it, because I can't see spending $10 to try it while I can see spending .99 (if it's not dangerous for my health because of the random additives). Thanks!!!




  1. when cooking with saffron, you only want to use the real stuff.. if you don't you can tell when eating the food that it just doesn't taste right.  they do have additives and they also add color to it so you are not really cooking with true saffron.

    i have been cooking with this for years and if you want to get your hands on some for a good price, go to any middle eastern store and you can get a big pinch or so for about 7 bucks.... that is the cheapest way...

  2. The mexican spice you see at $0.99 is actually safflower not saffron (from the crocus).  The mexican spice bag I purchased, Mojave Brand, identified the product as safflower.

    The use of the word Zaffron is there to deceive and I believe is not the same to Saffron.

    If you look at wikipedia:

    "Safflower flowers are occasionally used in cooking as a cheaper substitute for saffron, and are thus sometimes referred to as "b*****d saffron."

  3. the more expensive grade is probably the actual crocus of the saffron plant itself. The other grade is probably a cheap imitation. go for the more expensive and use it sparingly just a small pinch.

  4. the mexican version is cheaper, you need to use more for flavour, and its grade is not the highest quality.

    Traditionally, the highest grade of saffron is extremely expensive, not to mention very rare. (if I am right it is more expensive than gold of equivalent weight). This is because it only grows in a limited area in the Kashmir Valley in the North of India. (its called zafran). Very aromatic!!

  5. Saffron or Zaffron are the same.

    The best comes from Spain. If it's not a Spanish Saffron, your getting a lower grade( much lower).

    Saffron is the most expensive spice available.

    It can be bought as a powder or as threads.

    It's mainly used for rice dishes but of course, it has other uses as well.

    To make a pound of saffron, it takes about 10 people a full day to do. Tedious work to say the least.

    Imagine picking threads out of a small flowers all day long by hand?

  6. I can agree with Robert to a point..

    the spices Like McCormick are centered in every store so you have little choice the other is schillings.BUT the store jacks the price because they are not high use items..As for your health,,, You breath in more dirt and foul particles then these food products...

  7. more money better quality, but most of the time the cheaper stuff is pretty much the same anyway.

  8. The price variance has to do with the quality of the saffron.  Location of where the flowers were grown to get the spice usually dictates quality.  Mexican saffron is just lower in quality and might be mixed with tumeric which is not bad.  It will not be the same in flavor as the more expensive.  You will also use more of the poorer grade than with the better grade.

  9. I love the flavour that a high quality saffron adds to my dishes.  Unless your are looking just for colour, I would not skimp on quality.

    I was told, for quality and flavour, only to buy Spanish saffron.  I have never been disappointed doing this, but I have been disappointed buying cheaper saffrons.

    A little high quality saffron goes a long way and is well worth the higher cost.

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