
Why do I see so many adults older than me who don't know how to talk to people

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What I mean is with no respect. No dignity. No thoughtfulness. And no cohesiveness and no tact whatsoever. Is it their parents didn't raise them correctly?




  1. I agree with you. Blame it on our modern media. Gratuitous violence, foul language, where pretty much anything goes. Out of the mouth of grown adults I hear the f word so often I want to scream. One generation passes it to the next. Yes, if parents in the home swear, and don't treat other family members with respect, that's how their children will behave at school. Good parental role- modelling is a very strong correlate between how a child will behave as they grow up.

  2. In the modern era, we are required to speak in politically correct terms. For this reason, it is prudent to not talk and to look upon all strangers as a probable enemy if you express your honest opinion. It may be a misunderstanding by you of the importance of keeping your freedom of expression private.  Jobs are lost.  Careers destroyed by expressing an honest opinion in a social setting or most particularly in the work place.  

  3. Depends whether you are talking about senior adults or generations X & Y ....

    I agree that these generations per se are just greedy , self centred  egomaniacs who want it all & want it now ! Not only that...they don't care who they have to trample over in order to get what they want !

    I am of the generation that was taught to respect our elders , have consideration for those around me , stand up in the bus for women & the elderly !

    How things have changed ...

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