
Why do I see them, the spirits ghosts and demons?

by  |  earlier

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I see ghosts. I know a lot of you are gonna think Im schizophrenic and having hallucenations or ill grow out of it but this isnt BS. Im a14 year old guy and Ive been seeing ghosts as long as I can remember. My first memory of seeing ghosts was of my aunt dot. I did have an aunt dot. Unfortunatly she had been dead for almost 10 years before I was born. I had convos with her ONLY at family gatherings, no other times and she never talked to anyone but me. She would either talk to me or just stand near people and no1 acknowledged her. Long story short, I no longer see her. Now, I just see spirits. Everywhere. Randomly. Sometimes people I am with will see them. Usually just me. They dont talk to me physically, but SOMETIMES they communicate with me in a way I cant describe. They often come to me in dreams. I try to help them everytime. Im just wondering, why do they come to me.




  1. Demons? I don't believe in them. Ghosts are imprints or trapped souls who have passed, Spirits are those who have passed onto the other side. Since you're young I figured I'd give you definitions (my defintions and I'm no expert, it's what I believe).

    It seems that you are well adjusted to your gift and that is wayyyy  awesome for your age.

    They come to you because for whatever reason you can see them and it's not a common occurance.

    I can't see them, guess I'm not evloved enough?? don't know, I just know some people can and some people can't.

    So keep up the good work by helping them when you can. The pay is lousy but benefits are great.

  2. It is a gift.

    Look for others that take you seriously - or do the same thing.

    Don't listen to people saying they are all demons or you are evil - that's just religion talking.

    Use it for good and you'll get a lot of satisfaction from helping people in need.

    Talk to experienced people if you get scared - as it does happen, and can be quite a burden at times.

  3. wow thats pretty neat tell one of them that i want to meat one sometime! i have always loved ghosts.  I think what they call someone like you a medium ( just so u know...)

  4. Because you are gifted, sensitive to things in the natural world, much more so than others. Use it wisely.

  5. Me and my bro saw a ghost when i was 15 and he was 6, no one believed him until i spoke up, cuz he was 6.

    Not believing in ghosts and the paranormal simply because we havent any evidence of them is a flawed view.

    Do you think if i went back in time even 100 years and told people about the internet that they would believe me? nope, i'd be some loony toony insane asylum nutjob.

  6. Not crazy...sensitive...My sisters and I have all had similar experiences...My younger sister say our great grandma Isabelle, described her to my mother in detail, no mistakes. She had never met nor seen a picture of her before doing this... made my mom cry....My yougest sister say our uncle chris and described him, without mistakes, he died before she was old enought to even remember him..i think she was 1 or 2.....I have seen my grandfather and my grandma on numerous occasions...But i have met them...and occasionally i will be awoken by time i saw a face hovering ubove mine, while I was alone in my house, scared the heck out of me.havent seen anyone other then family since then.

  7. Sounds like a sixth sense sort of thing. Maybe, you should talk to bruce willis about it.LOL. No but seriously, if you are 100% honest on this thing, there are, as hard to believe, people who are expert on this. Look up their information, rather than just asking people that will most likely make fun of you.

  8. Too much Ghost Whisperer

  9. I don't think you're schizophrenic. Cause if you were, then I would be as well. :) They come to you because you can see them and communicate with them, and often for exactly that reason--because they need help, so you do very well that you help them. The communication... is it thoughts in your head? I do that too. You're not alone, and you're not crazy. Sounds like you're doing just fine. If you see demons as well, I'd learn to protect yourself. All you need is light, pure white light. Just imagine a solid bubble (solid as opposed to just an outline) around your entire body, your aura included. That keeps negative stuff away.

    Peace to you.

  10. Cool.

    You're just like Jennifer Love Hewitt on Ghost Whisperer

    They come to you because they know only you can see them and are able to help them.

  11. You are not crazy and you are not the only one.  I've dealt with the same thing since I was very young and I would be happy to talk to you about it and help however I can.  I don't think there will ever be a "why" explanation, but this is how we were born and this is what we are.

    Feel free to im or email me anytime,

    Blessed be

  12. "I know a lot of you are gonna think Im schizophrenic and having hallucenations or ill grow out of it "

    Yes, that is a reasonble conjecture.

  13. They come to you because you're most likely the only one around that notices them or can see them. I know what you're going through since i was about 4 i've been seeing things that most people shouldn't. I saw my great grandmother that died before I was even born. You do however have to be careful of what spirits you talk to because what may look like a ghost might not be. There are some bad spirits out there and they sometimes hurt you physically. I know its really hard and you feel like you can't talk to anyone but God gives gifts for a reason. But if you really dont want it to happen any more...pray to God to take it away. and it will go away for awhile atleast but if someone really needs you they'll get through.

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