
Why do I see these times frequently?

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It's strange. This has been going on for months. At first I was like "it's just a coincidence.", but this is happening way too often, near daily.

I see both the times of 9:11 and 6:06 on a regular basis. I only look at the clock once in awhile. No, I don't intentionally do this. You'd think I'd sometimes see 6:05 or 9:12, but this is not the case.

Why do I see these times all of the time?.....errr.. no pun intended haha.




  1. At least you're not alone! Read this link!

    Edit....Here are the explanations . I think the ones that 333 is talking about.

  2. you probably have some routine when you look at the clock at those times....that has happened to me before, also it might just be that you just happen to remember those numbers......or maybe your clocks are broken and they always read those times, lol

  3. You don't need to worry about a thing. You are just noticing these times and looking at them often. Does that make sense? But anyways, you are fine.

  4. its just that you get into a habit and its kinda like ur brain says LOOK AT THE CLOCK NOW!! and you do. it happened to me too i kept waking up at 3:02 AM it was really  wierd eventually it will stop

  5. That's happened to me too.  I can only say that your subconscious, through synchronicity, is trying to tell you something.  When it happened to me, I always looked at the time when it said 12:34, even if I didn't look at the time for days.  Years later, I realized that it was my personal symbol to "keep moving forward", ie, 1, 2, 3, 4....  Eventually, I realized that this always happened when I was going through a hard time and didn't know how to get over it.  Now, when I'm troubled over something and wondering what to do and I glance at a clock and notice 12:34 it's my sign to stop fretting and move on.  I can see a "9-11" connection, but what does 6:06 mean to you?  Were you born in 1966?  Were born at 6:06?  I hope you figure it out.

  6. Hello, it's funny you bring this up because I looked at the time as I am writing this and it is 3:16 AM and I seem to notice the number 316 all the time.  I think that we don't always realize it, but we look at the time a lot more than we think we do (whenever there is a clock around) and the times that catch our eye (9:11 and 6:06 for you) the most are the ones that have some meaning for us or remind us of something so they tend to stick out.  How many times have you looked at your watch or a clock and somebody will see you do it and ask what time it is 5 seconds later and you cannot tell them even though you just looked?  Had that person not asked you perhaps you wouldn't even realize you just looked at the time.  However, when it is a number that is familiar to us for whatever reason (9:11 obviously rings some bells for most Americans) or something just personal to you (perhaps your P.O. Box is 606) it catches our eye. I know 11:11 is supposed to be one that a lot of people see.

  7. This happens to me all the time.  It's with 12:17. I don't really think anything of it, though.

  8. Its common with alot of people noticing the same numbers, mostly with the time..As crazy as this sounds, but angels communicate via this way, they want you to take notice of certain numbers for a reason.. Most people are baffled over it, and cannt work out why..Thats up to you, to see if those numbers lead you to anywhere, a message, some significance...

    I started noticing 333, and started by the time..3.33am and pm, also with 10.04am /pm..then i noticed the numbers everywhere..people kept telling me it was nothing, just coincidences and that i should not take much notice of them..but something kept urging me to find a meaning behind it....and sure enough both those numbers had great meaning, and changed my life...Im the one smiling now..Thank goodness i didnt listen to other people, telling me to ignore the signs, that it meant nothing...My life was riding on those numbers..and i learnt of the higher power/ angels..

    If you look up doreen virtue, she speaks of angels and numbers..when i put everything together, it all fit in so well, and made perfect i said, im the one smiling now...

    And one valuble lesson i learnt through all this, there are no coincidences..everything is made to happen to lead us forward in our desired direction....

  9. I get the 11 min allot , so I set my alarm to it, and guess what? I always wake up before 7:11 so it doesnt mean anything.

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