
Why do I seem to no longer have or remember my dreams? When I was younger I remembered them vividly.?

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Why do I seem to no longer have or remember my dreams? When I was younger I remembered them vividly.?




  1. When you're younger, there's a liquid thing that enables you to remember anything. But when you grow up, the liquid spreads up and suddenly you forgot some certain things. :-)

  2. they arent important. Once you get a good or scary one itll be remembered forever. Watch The Birds.

  3. The same thing has happened to me and I was also wondering about it.

    I thought it might have something to do with aging - in general, as we age, our ability to remember things seems to be less, unless it is extremely important.

    Now last night, I woke up about 3 times and I know I had 3 dreams and I seemed to remember them, and I was quite happy. Although, now it has become vague again.

    Anyway, what I want to say, since we are in the same boat, don't worry about it and perhaps when the dream is extremely important, you will remember something about it.

    Of course, you are still dreaming, you just are having difficulty remembering them.

    Happy, vivid dreams and here's hoping you will remember them.

  4. You remember your dreams most often if you wake up during an REM cycle. So, evidently, you have a certain time you wake up and a certain time to go to bed. Your body has adjusted its sleep cycle so that you wake up after the Alpha cycle so it's not such a shock to your central nervous system.

  5. I think when we are younger we are more impressionable so things impacted us more.  I am older & still dream so vividly that I have taste, sound & feelings in my dreams.

  6. eat some colored jujubes - that might do it

  7. The fact that you have asked this question may well be an indication that there is a change in the pipeline. Recalling dreams has a lot to do with your genreal outlook. When everything is routine you are less likely to be woken by a dream or to a dream. Dream recall follows your bio-rhythms.

    Very light sleepers recall dreams easier because dreaming happens in light sleep. REM is also called paradoxical sleep because you really don't sleep in the sense of resting, but your brainwaves are very similar to those of the waking brain. In deep sleep the brainwaves are slow and hence image-less.

    But do not despair, there are ways to revive recall. I have a list of 13 points one or more of which will help you recall. Here they are:  

    1. First you stop worrying about not having recall.

    2. When you wake up stay in the position you are. Do not sit up or get up or turn around.

    3. Do NOT ask: "What did I dream?"

    4. Instead follow the FEELING you have as you wake

    5. Watch what goes on in your head. What is the strongest thought? Follow it.

    6. Sleeping-in at the weekend is good training to recall your dreams. When you wake up, go back to sleep and when you wake up again you may well recall a dream.

    7. Have a massive drink of water before bed so that you will have to get up in the night. When you wake you will recall a dream; probably a toilet dream. (It’s a start!)

    8. During the day say to yourself: "This is a dream. I am dreaming this; in what way will this dream change in the night?”  

    9. Put a notebook and pen next to your bed with the intention to write down your dream/s.

    10. Read a book on dreams or check out the Internet on dreams before going to sleep. Check the Internet for other answers about your question.

    11. Set yourself a really hard problem before going to bed, one that you cannot solve and go to sleep with it. Instead of a problem you may prefer to plan something creative. R. L. Stevenson used to ask for a dream so he could write a new story. What’s your creative flair? Follow it as did Stevenson.

    12. We dream every 90 minutes. So set your alarm clock to wake you after 90 minutes. Allow for 5-10 minutes of going to sleep time.

    13. If you are totally desperate to have a dream get someone who is prepared to do a night-watch with you; tell them to wake you when your eyes flicker in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which will be most likely 90 minutes after you have gone to sleep.

    Good luck! But most definitely get a dream diary going and put it next to your bed with pen and pencil torch.

  8. I've never had this problem, because I always had night terrors since I was very little.

    But! I have tried to strengthen the part of my brain that remembers dream (yes! that's right, there is one.) So that I could remember things more vividly.

    The thing is, when you stop using it and remembering your dreams and letting your imagination run wild (as most kids do) you lose the ability to remember them.

    Follow the steps and tips on the source I gave you and you'll probably begin to remember some more of the dreams.


  9. your gettin old it happens when u age.

  10. Same here. I don't really know the cause of that though. Maybe because when we were younger we would wake up earlier and we would just be finished with a dream so it's still fresh in our mind.

  11. Dreams seem to run along the line of how often we need them. When we are younger, we have more chaos, confusion, decisions, problems, etc. than we do as we age. Also, when we are younger, our dreams seems so important to us. As we age, we have fewer problems, less confusion, and therefore we either don't dream as much or don't have the necessity to remember them as much. If we had paper and pen at hand when we woke up and consciously tried to remember our dreams each morning, we would probably find that we remember having more dreams. It is because we don't have the need to remember them anymore.

    Another point, as we age, most people (especially in developed countries) take medications for a variety of illness, and anytime someone takes medication, it truly interferes with their sleep and therefore their dreams.

  12. You cant compare your imagination with that of a child's. Although you dream every night, every day stress or thoughts about a relationship, school, or work don't let them "set in". Its completely normal.

  13. dreams are very misterious in the sense that people do not know why they occur.  It could be because the creative sode of your brain is not quite as exercised as it was when u were younger and so the ability for ur brain to come up with creative dreams is limited.  im not really an expert though

  14. You smoke too much mary joo ana.

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