
Why do I still have to pay Education and Health tax?

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I have BUPA health insurance so I get any health issues sorted through BUPA, why do i essentially have to pay double for this benefit?

Also, I had private education for 11 years, this cost my parents a fair bit of money, why should they have had to continue to pay taxes for state education if i never used it?

How is this fair? I know we live in a welfare society and my view is somewhat conservative but I still don't think it is totally fair. I'm not saying that myself or my parents should be totally exempt from these portions of tax but at least maybe a small bit?

Any opinions?




  1. If you don't wish to contribute to this country, leave.

  2. If you ever have an accident such as a car crash or something, it'll be an NHS Ambulance to the rescue.

    I was watching the Micheal Moore documentry "Sicko" the other day where an American woman who had a car accident and was knocked out she didn't have health insurance and was billed over 2k dollars for the ambulance ride.

  3. I have BUPA and went to Private school and hopefully so will my daughter but it does not make u different you still have to pay you are not special

  4. Good for you, but even privately educated people can still find themselves in need of welfare benefit, these taxes fund this provision too you know.

  5. You are subsidising people who cant afford education.

    Imagine if everyone who went full private paid no tax towards education. Then education would be fully funded only by the people that sent their kids to state education. So they would essentially be paying for education for their kids, which would defeat the purpose of goverment provided education. Taxes spread out the wealth.

    Whether you agree it should be this way or not is up to you, but thats the explanation. Your parents had the choice of sending you to state education or not, and they chose to pay a premium.

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