
Why do I still leak breast milk after weaning my child?

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My son is 16 months old. I weaned him off the breast when he was about 9 months old. Sometimes throughout the day I will notice that I am leaking a small amount of milk. Not everyday, or all the time. Maybe I don't notice it all the time. I don't know. If I squeeze my nipple drops of milk will come out! Why is there still milk when I have not nursed in so long? This is not a problem I am just curious about this.




  1. You need to contact your doctor and he can tell you what to do to make it dry up.

    Good Luck

  2. any woman who has had a baby is capable of producing milk. It will eventually dry up without sucking, so just be patient.

  3. some people just dont fully dry up.. my boys are 3-1/2 and i can still get milk if i squeeze.  

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