
Why do I think about s*x all the time?

by Guest65166  |  earlier

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I don't know why, but for some reason, for the last 2 weeks, all I can think about is s*x. Sure my BF likes it, but I don't know why I always think about it. And when I'm thinking about it, I end up getting all horny and want to have s*x? Are my hormones out of control? I've been having s*x everyday for these past 2 weeks. Is that the reason why its all I think about???

Am I the only girl like this?

oh, i'm 18 btw.




  1. hormones it's normal lol

  2. Yup...hormones.  And I tend to find women get even more horny when they're dealing with their "monthly friend".  Again...all hormones.

  3. don't ave s*x everyday you can et a infection from having to much s*x (happened to me) anyways just stop for a bit sure u will get horny but you have to deal with it and then it will pass and when i was 18 that happened to me to and no your harmones are not getting out of control its just ur mind that making you horny well good luck

  4. yes.. s*x is good

    your just desperate.

    m********e recommend

  5. It might be the right time of your cycle (ie: ovulation time). Here's a handy chart.

  6. Because you're 18.

  7. yes you've probably hit your sexual peak or some **** like that

  8. teen times are the times when our hormones get active and we're getting mature about it, however, there are people who are in nature like that. for me- it's normal though. :)

    why not read/surf some articles at the net? try to check these sites out--->

    and many more:) hope these things could help:)

  9. if there is a god in heaven (and i pray that there is) you are not the only girl thats like that

  10. Everybody had happened same kinda thing as ur age.I had also faced it.

  11. That happened to me when I was 18. If you just barely started having s*x that is definately one of the reasons. If he's really good that's probably one of the other reasons. You just can't get

  12. you have normal hormones. you are bored and kind of depressed. you should run three miles a day plus more until you burn it off every not miss a day.

  13. horny hormones.  s*x every day, with some one else or yourself?  

  14. i'm 25 and i think about s*x all the time and i'm a girl your fine it's hormones. or maybe you just really enjoy s*x.

  15. Yea your body needs s*x so bad now. I normally stop fro a while then I come back on full charged and ready for s*x everyday for the next 25 days,

    My boyfriend doesn't like the idea of not having s*x everyday. He really doesn't care even when he really should hold back then I feel rubbish for saying 'no'

  16. Its cause your 18. You may be at the peak of your hormones you may not, but once you do you'll start wanting s*x less after that.

  17. its just humanly thing

  18. dude your 18 its hormones

  19. Hormones are rushing through you.. Everybody will go through that atleast once..

    I'm 18.. and I still havnt been through that stage.. hmm...  

  20. I'm 19 so we're not far apart in age. I realized that when I do sexual things on a regular basis, (whether it's with my GF or even by myself, sorry if that's TMI) I find myself thinking about it a lot more than normal. I think it starts to become an addiction, like the more you do it, the more you crave it. So maybe just take a break. When I'm busy and don't have time to do those things for about a week or so, I stop thinking about it. I know I'm a guy, but the same thing happens to me. So, good luck.

  21. There, there my dear. Everything is fine.Now run along and m********e.

  22. Youre a Regular Nymphomaniac there sugar plum.

  23. it's because you're a teenager. if this is the first guy you've had s*x with then that's why you think about it all the time. our hormones at this age are completely out of whack and what you're feeling is normal.

    i'm 18 too and i've only had s*x w/ one guy and when we first started doing it w/ him, i was the exact same way. all i could think about was s*x s*x s*x and only with him. it was seriously like an addiction. but we started off only doing it every now and then. then we started doing it every single day and it didnt help any lol. i still wanted to have s*x.

    so don't worry. you're completely normal. and you know, everyone says that guys are always horny and guys always want to have s*x, but really, girls are the same way. we're just generally more quiet about it.

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