
Why do I think its in US interest to stop Iran?

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Ok so i have been hearing about how evil the war monging neo-cons are.

But heres what i really think.

As long as we continue to Import Oil from the mid-east, WE WILL CONTINUE TO INVADE AND BOMB NATIONS for oil. I don’t care who’s in office. Unless you work for code pink or you are Dennis kuscinich.

The US imports 1/3 of its oil from the mid east. Other places like china import as much 50% or more from the mullahs. In case you have had your head in the ground, you would understand that China IS the US economy. From t-bills to trade deficits to importing poison in place of toys to other words they have us by the balls.

Iran’s exports to China grew 16 percent in 2003, making it the latter’s No. 2 oil supplier after Saudi Arabia, according to Chinese government figures.

China’s economy expanded 9.3 percent last year and is growing at a 9 percent rate this year, according to President Hu Jintao. The country’s oil needs could almost double again, to 11 million barrels a day, by 2010, according to a report by Merrill Lynch & Co.


Why should we stop stop stop Iran??

um.. well, If you have been listening to Iranian president Achmadinajad*, you would understand that this guy is a lunatic.

Apart from wanting to wipe the Israelis out, they want to bring back the 12th Imam.

the question is when is the Imam supposed to return?

Twelver Shi’as cite various references from the Qur’an and reports, or Hadith, from Mahdi and the twelve Shi’a Imams with regard to the reappearance of al-Mahdi who would, in accordance with God’s command, bring justice and peace to the world by establishing Islam throughout the world.

"During the last times, my people will be afflicted with terrible and unprecedented calamities and misfortunes from their rulers, so much so that this vast earth will appear small to them. Persecution and injustice will engulf the earth. The believers will find no shelter to seek refuge from these tortures and injustices. At such a time, God will raise from my progeny a man who will establish peace and justice on this earth in the same way as it had been filled with injustice and distress."

If Iran gets the nukes, they will put the whole middle east in check. the mullahs intend to plunge the world int chaos. when that happens the west will fall to its knees.

How will they bring the west to its knees?

China ownes out T-bills(over $1 Trillion)

China almosts feeds the US

Apert from Russia, wstrn europe also gets oil from the mullahs. If there is a problem, IT WILL AFFECT CANADA real bad. now what does canada have to do with this?... the UK is one of the big players of the EU. the UK also shares a very special relationship both politically(the queen) and economically(trade). In 2007, Canada and the US traded over $500 Billion of stuff with each other. Imaging if there is a sudden halt to the current remedy.. the Stock market will drop by like 5k in one day, we would be looking at like $300 per barrel. at home here, we would be looking at like $8per gallon or more.

I know some of you would say AIPAC, the bankers and the Military complex are lobbying the US into Iran, but try looking at the bigger picture.


Well some of you non-interventionists could say "umm well Israel has nukes".. Israel is yet to promise to wipe out any of its neighbors.


you could say "eh.. the founding fathers were non-interventionists", then i will have to remind you that back then, the FFs didn’t have interests in other nations. In other words, they were quite self-reliant. There was no need to import oil, they didnt depend on china for toys, and weren’t in debt at the rate at which the US is no right now.

your thoughts.





  1. Fool me once....I am going with the Intelligence that has told this administration that Iran stopped making the bomb in 2003.   I am not going to believe Bush's propaganda, as I did when he and Cheney said Iraq had WMD's.  Follow the money, is good advice, for doubters like me!  What really concerns me is will Israel make the first move and will we be obligated to watch their back and participate!  THAT is something to worry about!

  2. The USA gets most of its oil from Canada and Mexico, and the last time I looked, there were no US bombs exploding in either country.

  3. The USA took down the legal, democratic government of Iran in 1953 and planted a brutal puppet who terrorized Iran for decades. They haven't forgotten how we screwed them.

  4. iran is not a threat----anyone who disagrees is someone who will profit from a war with iran

  5. Interesting that Bush hammers it home that Iran is a threat to the US, yet we have traded with Iran more under GWB's administraton than ever since the revolution.

    I guess it is OK to INCREASE trade with our enemies!

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