
Why do I think like this?

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First off, I just wanna say I love my dad and I don't really like my mom. But sometimes I like think about my mom killing my dad because they don't like each other. Like if hes sleeping I think that my mom will take a knife and kill him. Or when my dad buys me something, I am thinking I would say "No, its NOT good enough!" But I would NEVER say that. Why do I think about these HORRIBLE things? I mean I feel so bad after I think about them. But why? Or when me and my dad are having fun I think about cussing him out. But I would NEVER ever do that. Why do I think about all these horrible things? It's funny tho I love my dad so much but I never think about doing these things to my mother, whom I hate. But I hate thinking like this. I love my dad so much I would never ever do anything like that. Me and him have such a good relationship, we NEVER have fights or arguements. =( Why do I think like this?




  1. Those are very sick thoughts. If something happened to your Dad, you would feel terrible. Parents don't live forever. Appreciate them while you have them.  

  2. Get counseling.  Sounds as if you're transfering.  What you say is not really what you feel.  You say you hate your mom, but talk about things from her side.  You say you love your dad but imagine him dead.  It is common to be very conflicted when parents break up, so don't feel like you're alone.  You need someone to help you sort out your feelings.  get help.  Living in a loveless home is not healthy.  ever heard of Oedpedus?

  3. It's probably just one of those weird thoughts that go through everybody's head once in a while. There's no reason to worry unless you have urges to act on them. Just let them pass through your head and forget about them. It's certainly nothing to beat yourself up over.

      They're just thoughts.

  4. your paranoid, do you smoke a lot of weed? could be drug induced psychosis  

  5. its natural. we all have thoughts we arent proud of. its probably not anything serious. you could always talk to a pschyciatryst.

  6. split personality disorder ?  

  7. It's aight dude. Just keep the thoughts of your head. Do something and get on it and think about. When you are about to think about those things, just do something else.

  8. I beleive it's you basically mentally taking the anger out on your monther on ur father in your mind. When your by your mom you can't do the cussing and such but when ti's just you and dad you can release that mentally on him, but w=even thouh its intended towards mom. I'm really sorry this si happeneing. My AIM is walshinator250 if you ever need help

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