
Why do I throw up after just drinking water?

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Every time. If I drink anything with a flavor I can drink a gallon (except perhaps milk) but after one gulp of water my stomach turns and then I vomit. If I quickly drink 8 oz I can hold it down tops 30-45 seconds before reversal.




  1. Is it all of the time or just today or what?

    Often when we get sick we can't hold stuff down. Sometimes depending on what it is that will include even water. But you will have to keep trying as hopefully some water might get into your system. As your body fights off whatver it is fighting off your temperature will rise and water will be more vital.

    If it in immediate or has been more than 12 hours of this you might want to run to the hospital to see how dehydrated you are and if they need to put an IV in you. This is espcially true if have diahrea.

    I got sick once late at night, liquids out of both ends. Went to sick call first thing in the morning. They hooked me up with an IV and put 3 bags of water in me. I was sick for only 6 hours. After they disconnected me from the IV and sent me to my unit to turn in my sick call slip I was 8 pounds lighter than I was the day before. Imagine how much water I lost if I was still 8 pounds lighter after 3 bags pumped into me. That is a dangerous amount of liquids to loose.

  2. You should probably try getting a water filter because maybe the water you're drinking has some dirt or metal in it.  Hopefully the water filter helps!!

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