
Why do I truly not care about...?

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Why do I truly not care about other people besides myself, my ex-gf, and my three siblings?

I am honestly completely detached from the world ... I don't care if other people die, suffer, starve to death, get run over by a truck -- dragged and ground underneath the wheels -- I simply don't care about YOU. I'm a guy and I'm 25 years old. I believe that society is out of whack and there's something wrong here. Why don't I give a flying **** about anybody?

I've played the "nice" guy for all of my life but it hasn't gotten me anywhere, so I think about stealing, killing, raping, and doing any crime I think of ... what is stopping me? I am smart enough to get away without getting caught -- so should I do it?

What's wrong with me or society? Who is to blame? I know I will be responsible for my actions if I ever hurt & harm other people, but aren't they also to blame for being victims to my power?

Seriously ... answer this.




  1. Are you a sociopath?

    If you didn't care you wouldn't have said:

    Seriously ... answer this.

  2. You sound dissociative. I am, to the point of having multiple alter egos. PTSD can also mimic or cause dissociation.

    Yet it's really not necessary to care about anyone. I know what you mean when you say these things, and I too experience bouts of wanting to reach out & hurt someone. Who or what caused you to be that way? Hard to tell - it could be genetic or it could be the result of some trauma from your past. The human mind is incredibly easy to f*** up, any number of things can cause it.

    Should you act on your compulsions? Probably not. Almost every serial killer or rapist to have ever been caught thought as you do - that they were good enough to do it without getting caught. If you were -really- smart, you'd realize that -NOBODY- - not yourself nor others - is so good that they're uncatchable. Sure, some people go their entire lifetime killing & raping & never are caught for their crimes. But that doesn't happen by intellect - that only happens by plain dumb luck.

    So if you value either your freedom or your life, don't do it. If not, then it's entirely up to you. I value both, but everybody's different.

    As for the apparent angst you seem to have over this entire issue, I went through that, too. I found that it's not worth beating yourself up over - just accept who you are, decide what you want to do about it and then just move on with your life without ever looking back.

    Good luck, whatever your path.

  3. the moment you whine about those stuffs is the moment you actually CARED. believe or not. i know that you do care about your own self. because we always have self-preservation. it's just that you feel that no one gives a d**n care about you that's why you're thinking that you DON'T CARE at all.

    live the goodness in you.....

  4. 25 years is not 'all' life!  You have another 75 to go.If you were not happy in these  ( say)  7 or 8 years  , with being a good person , are you expecting to be happy  , for the rest of the years , being a bad person?  Very unlikely.  Many have been in exactly the same position before you. Try to look at things in the Edward De Bono style , that is , try lateral thinking.  you will hit on something concrete instead hitting humans.

    There is Theory , made out for such people as you and me. It is called 'Karma' theory. That will partly expalin things without having a proof . If you are what you are NOW  it is the result of what you WERE ( did)  in your earlier life. Evry action has a reaction  and the reaction need not necessarily be in the duration of our lives. It is like our bank account . The credit and the debit continues . Take heart that the lousy feelings you have , the previous YOU had earned and you are playing that out . The sooner you   finish the sufferings the better will be things for you.

    If , on the other hand, you take offence  and start hurting people around you, you debit increases and the future YOU will bear the consequences . I hear you shout , "what does it matter , if it not me who is going to suffer?" remember the previous YOu said that in the previous life and are YOu liking it ?

    Turn around. remember the saying; " I was crying for my second pair of shoes till I saw a man with NO legs"

  5. I really care about other people.  I don't like to see other people suffer and all stupid things that happens in the world, especially when I can do a little something to help.  

    I really don't care about prestige.  It doesn't turn me on to see someone l**k my feet (or even worst...  I let you imagine!)

  6. Have you ever seen anyone suffer or die? Have you looked at starving children? Have you seen or talked to rape victims? You shouldn't expect things from being nice. You act nice just for the heck of it. I agree with you, society is out of balance. But you going around raping and killing isn't going to help. How are they to be blamed? Thats just assanine. But I guess you somewhat care seeing as how you are worried. Anyways, good luck. Stay out of trouble.  

  7. i dont care about YOU either!

    you must be invertebre.

    grow a backbone!

    i dont no why u dont care about others. thinking about raping? what is wrong with you. thats rediculous. go get professional help.  

  8. P.58 - §1 Much, very much, of the difficulty which Urantia(Earth) mortals have in understanding God is due to the far-reaching consequences of the Lucifer rebellion and the Caligastia betrayal. On worlds not segregated by sin, the evolutionary races are able to formulate far better ideas of the Universal Father; they suffer less from confusion, distortion, and perversion of concept.

    I see you have love for those you value.

    When values are not for others it can be said; "Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom because of your brightness."

    Our potential is for life eternal but we don't all accept this. Not even the Davine as with Lucifer. Please follow the link and see what has been.There is a Cosmic reality we can explore.

  9. Where are your parents?  Somehow, how they raised you may have something to do with how you feel this way.  Did they love you unconditionally or where there issues between you and them?  Did they not care about you?  

    You are only 25 yrs. old....Don't waste your time thinking this way.  Do something that will actually make you feel happy and worthy.  

    And where do you exactly want to go when you said being a "nice guy" hasn't gotten you anywhere.  You are NOT going to get anywhere if you keep thinking this way.  Don't blame no body else but yourself for not caring.

    Stop this petty 'self-pity' and learn to love yourself truly..Maybe then, true happiness will dictate your life...

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