
Why do I wake myself up with my own snoring?

by Guest58194  |  earlier

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This is truly bizarre, and I'm curious what could cause this. Occasionally, I will actually hear myself start snoring as I'm dozing off, and I wake up in a start. Afterward, I get a strange, eerie feeling, like I just woke up from a bad dream. Again, I think this is truly bizarre. Can anyone shed some light on what this could possibly mean, and what may be the cause of it?




  1. snoring is one of the signs of sleep apena.  A serious medical condition.  With sleep apena you actually stop breathing for short amounts of time.  When you wake yourself up it is your reflexes kicking in to tell you to breathe  You might want to see a sleep doctor about this.

  2. This is very common. You may have sleep apnea. Explain what you just have to us and talk to your doctor about it. They have things to help with this even a machine which I forgot what it is call. It's been awhile since nursing school and I haven't practice since. But if it bothers you please talk to your doctor.  

  3. Although it is bizarre, I don't think it's uncommon. I do this sometimes and I think it just means you may be extra tired lately and you are having a hard time getting totally relaxed. It just feels strange because you are in between sleep stages. Don't worry you are fine.

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