
Why do I wake up in the morning with scratches on my back?

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This has been happening for a long time now. Ever since I switched rooms I haven't had any. I thought maybe I was just scratching my back? But I'm not the scratches are in places that I could never make scratches like that on my back. I'm still wondering about them though. Has anyone else had this happen? What caused it?




  1. that sounds like it is paranormal, go to and get in contact a paranormal investigator,

    well that is paranormal

    tell someone about what is happening like your parents tell them.

  2. The night visitor is making his rounds .

  3. Are they scratches or just marks?  Maybe you're doing it during the day (subconciously).  I don't know.  I'm curious to see the other answers you will get from this though.

  4. There is a paranormal explanation for this. It is one of the craziest and little known of all paranormal phenomena.  And it happens to many women of all ages.  You may not want to discuss all the details in this open forum.  The best way to put it is, do you often dream about the same boy or guy?  If yes contact me here by email and I can tell you how to stop it.

  5. Too much alcohol and cheap prostitutes caused mine.

  6. My roommate had that happen to her last summer.

    We don't have a ghost and I don't believe it would've been a demon.

    Maybe it was just coincidence, but I had a weird dream that same morning that could've been related to her incident. I'd been talking with a guy a few days before who said he's very empathic and sometimes feels like he can see out of other people's eyes. I went to sleep wondering what it would be like to have my consciousness project into someone else's body. Then I dreamt of being able to do that.

    In my dream, this guy had an open wound on his back and I had one on my arm. I was able to project my consciousness into him and then draw it back out again. I noticed the wound on my own arm and thought it was weird because it was so vivid.

    The next day my roommate told me about her weird scratches on her back. Since I think I dreamwalk and maybe psi-feed in dreams sometimes, it made me wonder if I might've projected my dreaming consciousness to her and maybe psi-fed off her. It was especially creepy because I've never had any evidence of marking someone from a dream, but I've had a little of dreamwalking to other people. I never told her about how the guy in my dream had a wound on his back exactly where she had scratches on her back.

    - P.

  7. The old mattress undoubtedly had something sticking out.  It may be hard to find.  At this one place I lived, I slept on the couch and would often wake up with a large scratch, usually on my leg or on my side.  I was like "wtf?" all the time.  And I searched and searched and never did figure out what was doing it and then one day I found this open safety pin with its needle just barely sticking out of a cushion.   So that was it.  It was just elusive.  I never did figure out why I didn't wake up when I got some of those scratches though, but oh well.  I think somebody eventually shot the couch a bunch of times with a shotgun and then poured vodka on it and lit it on fire.

  8. maybe Fluffy isnt so Fluffy after all.

  9. Go back and check the mattress you were sleeping on before you decide that it might be paranormal. I know that sometimes they'll have pins or wires sticking out of them. If you use a feather of the feathers could have gotten stuck in your sheet and scratched you. Are you sure it's happening in your bed...Could it have happened in your bathtub or shower..or be something in your nightclothes..a pin or a tag. ?Check for all these things first..then come back here if you're still having trouble. Has anyone else slept in that room? If yes..did it happen to them? How big are the scratches..Did they bleed? How many times did it happen?

    Edit..Then it sounds like you might have a paranormal problem. For sure stay out of that room. Watch and see if other things happen. I don't know if an incubus could or would do this. .but then there are other kinds. If no one on here helps you ...other than to tell you to get an investigator...and if things keep happening...have your house blessed and/or get an investigator to come out. There are other things you can do..but others will have to tell you about them.

    Edit...I'm wondering if people can physically touch or scratch people while astral traveling.

    Also..If it's not bothering you in the other room...then it must not be attached to you..or trying to hurt you specifically. But, I don't understand why it doesn't happen to other people who sleep in that room.

    OH...there's something else I just thought of.which is far out. Ever heard of a "stigmata"? BUT...if it's not happening to you now...guess THAT'S out!! lol I'm all out of possible answers...unless there's a ghost in that room and it just didn't like YOU specifically..but doesn't mind the other people who sleep there.

  10. Since you were uncomfortable in the room to begin with, you may have injured yourself during your sleep without knowing.

    Do you have any pets?

    Cat whiskers are sharp and can poke through skin.

    Now had you turned the mattress over and still got the scratches, I would have to question the packing material in the mattress.

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