
Why do India keep losing in Finals?

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India are undoubtedly a class team, with many world class players.

But they keep losing in finals of ODI tournaments.

Here are some statistics to back up my statement:

Since 1998, India have contested 36 ODI tournaments with 3 or more teams involved. They have won 5 of these tournaments ( 1998 Coca-Cola Trophy; 1998 Singer-Akai Nidahas Trophy; 1998/99 Coca-Cola Champions Trophy; 2002 NatWest Series; 2007/08 CB Series); lost in the Final of 17 more, and shared the title on 2 occasions when Finals were abandoned due to adverse weather conditions.

Why does this happen? Do India lack a ruthless streak? And what can they do to repair this imbalance?

India fans are among the most passionate in world cricket. They deserve to see their team win. But all to often, they fail.

How can India improve their record in ODI tournaments?




  1. india before finals plays like a thunder storm. but when it comes to final they think that wheather they can win the trophy or not because of this india is losing the finals Not only that india may become over confidence that they can win the trophy.

  2. Indians play well under real pressure. Like if they lose, the next game is a come bach. Noticed this.

  3. Indians do not have that killer instinct. Generally a peace loving, relaxed race. But they rise under pressure. Is how they do win when they make up their minds.

    You are right: "India lack a ruthless streak ".

    Barring a few, they do not have the stamina and body strength either.

  4. Because they dont know how to handle the preasure

  5. Its a good question which i dont have the answer too?

    In those 24 finals, they cant have lost due to pressure every time! Some days they will have been outplayed! BUT i bet in at least half of those matches India's batting line-up collapsed. What ive noticed is that in the majority of Finals, one batting team collapses either chasing or setting the target (for example India in 2003 WC, West Indies ICC Champions trophy 2006, West Indies 1983 WC, Pakistan 1999 WC and as you know mate, England in both WC finals they have been in 1989, 1992). So in finals it looks like pressure gets to some teams! I am guessing that India have been in a winning position many times in those finals but have failed to convert that good position into a win!

    So i would say that it is the "Final curse" and the lack of killer instinct that India have.

  6. ammmm this is a tough one lets think


  7. Because they get knocked out under pressure

  8. Because they get knocked out under pressure and can not face the occasion

  9. hi!I'm italian and i'm sorry but I don't know criket...what is it?

  10. 99% head weight to the indians..... They r nor responding pain and feel of finals.....

  11. All I can say is that after all the hard work they put in to get to the finals, they eventually lose the game in their minds first, and THEN on the ground.

    It's a psychological thing now, not their abilities, which the team needs to get over with.

    They get intimidated by their own standards.

    (Star for you).

  12. they get bigheaded.

    the have this winning streak and it gets to their head and they just dont concentrate on the game then and there, thinking theyll win it easy and dont realise that the opposition has been doing their homework and working hard for the final whereas India expect to get to the final and win it. which doesnt happen too often does it.

  13. I think it's the pressure. YOu could really see it at last year's world cup when they played (and lost) to Sri Lanka in the first round. Bearing the hopes of a billion people on their shoulders is probably quite a burden-as is the thought of their homes and themselves being stoned etc. if they lose.

    On the other hand, sometimes they underestimate their opponents...

  14. India are a good team but their biggest problem is probably their fans they have more pressure than any other team in world cricket when they lose they are scared to even go home at times like after they got knocked out of the world cup last year which says a lot the same mania as when they win and are gods two opposite spectrum's imagine the pressure already in a final then thinking if we lose people maybe burning pictures of us it would be a lot to handle that probably plays a role in a few of them otherwise the other teams just outplayed them on the day

  15. Well, Its coz of pressure! U see in the Asia Cup India was the only team whom played daily matches! they r human being lyk us and they need rest too! Indian Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni appealed 2 ICC tht his team including him is tired and they need some rest but the ICC declined and said tht they are just following the time-table made for every team at the starting of every year!!

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