
Why do Inuit people want to resume the harvest of Whales?

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What does this have to do with social, economic, cultural, spiritual, and nutritional aspects of life?




  1. The Inuit harvest of whales has everything to do with social, economic, cultural, sprirtual, and nutritional aspects of their lives. The hunt and everything entailed with it, social. Every part of the whale is used, sold, or traded, economic. these people have been doing this since the beginning of time, it is their way of life, cultural. The Inuit people know the great  creator provides the whale, spiritual. The whale blubber is very benificial as is all parts of the whale when eaten to survival in such harsh living conditions, nutritional. If these people want to live this way of life let them.  Who are we to judge?

  2. because they taste good, I would guess.

  3. Because that is the way they have lived and survived for thousands of years. They never harvested enough to hurt the population.

    Whether they should be allowed to is a tough question. If the rest of the world wasn't killing our oceans like we are, I say let them. But Japan, China and other Asian countries are harvesting whales for sport and profit, not for survival. So we have to be careful.

  4. when did they ever stop?

    Anyway, the villages up in the furthest north reaches of Alaska/Yukon are still allowed like 1 whale per season.

    This one whale supplies meat, and oil and other resources for an entire winter..

  5. Because they want to preserve a way of life that is precious to them.  They might ask why do you want to go to work in a structured modern environment.

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