
Why do Israelis pretend that the US wants to bomb Iran?

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The US doesn't want to bomb Iran, Israel wants the US to bomb Iran




  1. I don't know B.  It could be because Bush acts so much like he wants to and that would narrow the list of countries condemning and threatening Israel.

    I really think this is more an American thing than an Israeli thing.

    Of course it's always easier to blame the Jew for all the world's woes.

  2. Oh please come on now and you didn't wanna bomb Iraq neither, hum??

  3. MMM i dunno about that but Iran is strong and can defend it self from attack of others.

  4. Unless the leaders of world realize the danger is in Iran's proxies, Iran will never be attacked.  Iran will never do anything to be attacked.  They're smarter than that.  But whatever happens, you can bet the USA will be behind Israel.  And Canada can just watch and put people on terrorist and torture lists, as usual.

  5. Just wait for a few months and then you'll realize why this here Shyster Jew left Israel for good.

    This Irani thing will be the last big Jewish Mistake, ever!

    Trust me on that.

    I have some "inside" intel.

    At least my family is located at least 6000 miles away from Israel.

    I wonder will they be still safe?

    G-d only knows.

    greetings from sunny Valencia


  6. Hi B,

    Israel can not stand the aftermath of the first wave of attack on  the Iranians.

    They will never attack Iran.

    Someone else has to do it for them.


    Ms Miche ..))-

  7. Watch this:

    The truth about Iran's Nuclear program.You wont look at the Iran issue the same way after watching this

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