
Why do JONAS FANS tell us Anti-Jonas...?

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0 LIKES UnLike "get a life" when we are all on yahoo answers, but some of us are just spending our time a little differently than jonas fans. But if you look at from a perspective, Jonas fans telling us to get a life, is very hypocritical....but it can work the other way around, im not stupid i know... watch ill get like 10 "gat a life" s right now.... has anyone noticed that??




  1. Ughh....dude SERIOUSLY GET A LIFE!!

    Lol...just kidding!!

    Yeah, that's one of the stupidest comebacks ever...and it goes for both "pro" and "anti" anything people.  I've heard it said a lot from both sides.

    I mean, obviously, whether you hate them or not, we're all on Yahoo! Answers obsessing over the same band!


  2. But it's so funny!

    I think it's both hilarious & adorable when they tell us to "get a life".  Yeah, that makes sense, because we're the ones who are obsessing over 3 untalented little boys & drooling over them for half of our lives.

    You get a gold star.

  3. LOL oh dear, I don't see whats so special about them, I wonder if any of their fans like the music or just think they are 'hot'?

  4. i say that to anti jonas people who need to stop obsessing over their own hate for them

  5. I'm  a fan who does have a life, but i do agree with the part that some Jonas fans always say Get a Life..... which I think is pretty stupid and they probaly say that cause they have nothing better to say to you.

  6. ROTFL, I know. It's like you're the hyypoocriites here. hha (sp?) but really, totally agree with you. They all suck.:)

  7. all of thier fans can burn for all i care

  8. Isn't it funny how they tell us that and on there profiles its all about the JB's?

    Oh and how they tell us that we're jealous?

    Why would we be jealous? Lol. Stupid immature 9 yr olds..

  9. who cares there probably 13 year olds that have no life in reality that's why they have nothing better to then talk about how "hot" and "amazing" they are ... yeah right  

  10. God. I hate all those get a life Jonas fans people. Though some Anti- Jonas people are hypocrites. I totally agree with you. Anyway.......thanks for the two points!  

  11. Eggsactly.

    They are so CHICKEN

    Aren't I "punny"?

  12. i have tried to figure that out too. and so far i havent.,

    i dont like the jonas bros. and then i get told cuz i have a different style in music than sum losers do.

    glad to know im not the only one feeling that way "]

    thanx for the comfort. lol  

  13. Yes, or if people have a logical reason for disliking them, you're automatically jealous.I'm not an "Anti- Jonas" but I don't go crazy over people that i don't know.

  14. I know. Jonas fans are probably all like 12 year olds with a 7:30 curfew and a 9:00 bedtime, who spend their entire day looking at pictures of the Jonas brothers, listening to the Jonas brothers "music", and asking questions about how "hawt" the Jonas Brothers are. Whereas Anti-Jonasers are mostly over 15 and actually have social lives and work. We just enjoy insulting those lamebrains when they're on the computer, because we have nothing better to for maybe a couple hours out of our day. But no of course those Jonas fans are right, WE'RE the ones that need lives. Riiiggghtt....

  15. I really don't know... I think it's stupid for someone to say Get A life... they are probably the fake jonas brothers fans. They don't like one of the jonas brothers, they only think their hot, and don't respect other people's opinions. I'm a fan but I totally accept of what anti-jonas people think. Just tell them you already got a life and maybe they should get one their self's instead of looking like the jonas brothers will be their's forever.

  16. I agree 100%, I have a life but when I get bored I go lurk in the Jonas Brothers questions.


  17. I have noticed..It's quite funny, actually..I once got a 'Get a life' because I asked the Fan Girl's to defend the Jonas Brother's Music(You know, Instead of obessing about there looks.)...Personally..I think they need a life..Seriously..All they do is obess over who Nick Jonas is dating, or which Jonas is hotter.  

  18. Holy c**p they need to SHUT UP.

    How are WE the ones without a life when YOU FANS ask questions like "OMGZZZ WHATS NICKS NUMBA?!" or "WHUZ DE HOTTEST JONAS BROTHERRR?" Because clearly, if you wanted an answer, GO TO A FORUM, or even use a SEARCH BAR. fraaaaaaaaack.

  19. yes u have quite a life sitting on the computer wasting points on pointless questions.... wow

  20. we only tell u to get a life becuz ur wasting ur time asking question about how much u hate the jonas brothers and the fans.....or answering one about them. And i was just looking and there are not that much questions about the jonas brothers. So u have to be actually looking them up.... so u rlly do need to get a life.

  21. Yes I have noticed that...

  22. all of the anti-jonas tell the jonas fans 2 get a life! But all the anti-jonas fans need 2 get a life cuz the they can sit around all day and tell jonas fans 2 get a life!!

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