
Why do Jack Russells pull on the lead like they are trying to go 100mph?

by  |  earlier

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Even when you pull them back hundreds of times, they never learn.




  1. My neighbor has 2 of them, and they do the same thing, she cant control them on a lead...she finally took them to training classes, now she can walk them fine....

    they have such a high level of energy, they have to be trained, and early on, or they just keep going like the energizer bunny....

  2. My JRT doesn't ,he walks by my side but my lab pulls so much my arms are 6 feet long lol :)

  3. because they have not been properly leash trained

  4. It's always the small ones isn't it...they're yappy, energetic, noisy little things, for such tiny dogs..gah...

    I AM a dog lover though s****....

  5.'s not just Jack Russels! Many dogs pull like that, especially small breeds! I would really recommend a harness, that is said to help with pulling ;)

  6. they are a high energy working terrier breed. you need to find a "job" for your dog, they were bred to work and you need to channel that energy to a useful job

    might sound weird but my Pit Bulls are into weight pulling, and at competitions i always see JRT's pulling they really excel in sports like this, you could also hunt with the dog, it comes natural for JRTs and helps release built up energy. i would also recommend buying your dog a backpack, and when you take it on walks make the dog carry a couple of bottles of water for himself, that gives him a job and a little extra weight will help tire him out.

    heres a vid of a JRT pulling .

  7. Put him on a harness.

  8. great wee dogs mine was nearly 18 yrs and still strong?they are so hyper?

  9. most dogs are like that. The 3 out of 3 dogs I have had are like that and all my sisters dogs do it too.

  10. the dog is not trained.. make him listen to you .. feed him treats when you are doing this

  11. i have 3 jacks the trick is to try and wear them out  

    ie if u run with them

    also you  just have to keep trying to pull them closer to you it helps is you bring treats with you

  12. there full of energy and like to walk there owners rather than than be walked ha ha

    try using a harness ito stop them choking themselves  

  13. Because they are excitable little dogs who want to be everywhere  like NOW! Walk them against a wall and when they try to go in front, stamp in front of them, or make a ssssst noice. Then when they walk next to you, click a clicker or say good and give a treat. My Jack Russell has walked at heel since she was a few months old but it takes LOTS of training. Shes a nut case and would, if i let her, pull all the time. I love proving people wrong about Jacks... theyre so cool... dont give up!

  14. Same reason as my chihuahua/pomeranian cross she can smell all the good things ahead, we cant smell them, but then they stop all the time weeing on every smell, thought that was a male thing, but shes a desexed female 4.80 kgs dripping wet, I reckon its just excitement to be going out lol! You can buy a harness type thing that stops them from pulling on the lead, but I couldn't do that to her, sometimes I'm running up the street cause she's smelt something that excites her, yes, usually cat poo, (at least she doesn't roll in it or eat it ughh), oh well, at least it keeps us fit, who needs a gym when you got a dog lol! :)

  15. Because they are trying to go 100mph.

    My neighbor has this 5 yr old daughter.

    and they got her a jrt puppy

    She'll be walking down the street and I swear to god, this dog just runs in circles around her all teh way home. It's crazy. Tongue out, just "go go go go!"

    My jrt learned eventually. I took treats on the walk any time he pulled, I stuck it in his face to get his attentiona nd then allowed him to have it once he walked in line with me.

  16. Well most Jr's(jack Russel's) like to sent out stuff and search which is normal dog nature for a dog to tug the leash because he wants to sniff and mark their territory.Though you can train dogs not to run so fast using a choke collar which is how i trained my dog not to run unless told.

    Hope I helped.

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