
Why do John Cena haters try to act like they're smart marks?

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John Cena haters swear that they've been watching wrestling for years, and really they've only been watching since 2005 or 2001 mostly.

They pick on the Cena fans, but it just has to be jealousy, in my whole life, its just so g*y for another man, to hate another man, like some men hate John Cena.

Theres no way another man should make you that furious and jealous. And then people say that you can cheer and boo whoever, which is true. But.....people dont just dislike Cena, they hate Cena more like it could be on a personal level.

Also its so unfair to compare old WWE stars like Austin and Rock to Batista and John Cena, They both go out there everyday and bust there asses, and all people can do is compare to Austin and Rock.

And The Rock only cares about his Movie Fans, he could care less about his Wrestling Fans.




  1. i liked rko thats why i didnt like john cena, but now i think he is cool (i didnt obsevisly hate him i just didnt like him)

    cena is a good wrestler he can own anyone pretty much i agree that people shoud stop hating on a great wrestler that has good talent and is loyal to his fans

    rko is still my fav wrestler tho

    jbl suck

  2. wats your question?

    and if people dont like cena whys that your problem?

  3. I dislike John Cena but I respect that he is a hard worker.

    I'm not even going to list down the justifications Cena haters have for hating Cena; there are millions of them, some I agree with, some I don't.

    No offense but I think it's really lame for anyone to round dislike down to jealousy. If we were jealous of someone who was popular, then by that logic we should have been hating on guys like Triple H, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Edge, Kofi Kingston, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, etc. But we don't now, do we?

    Cena haters hate Cena for a huge variety of reasons so it's totally wrong of you to conclude that they are simply jealous. They dislike Cena because he does not entertain them and they think that for all his success he is still undeserving of it because of his apparent lack of skill. Is that so difficult to understand?

    Also people do not usually compare Batista and John Cena to Austin and The Rock based on their hard work or work ethic. Their usual bases of comparison are wrestling skills, mic skills, charisma, and overall contribution to the wrestling industry. Let's be objective here; both The Rock and Stone Cold have contributed so much more to wrestling than John Cena and Batista combined.

    The first poster was right. If they don't like him, why is it your problem? Also if John Cena haters try to act as though they're smarks, well, they probably are.

    In conclusion, the issue of dislike is complex and cannot be easily explained so it's wrong to oversimplify such a matter.

  4. First Off I've Been Watching Wrestling Since I Was 4 Yrs Old And That Was In ' 94 So Its Been A Good 14 Yrs So I'm Not New To The Wrestling World

    The Reason People Hate Cena So Much Really Doesn't Have To Do With John Cena Its Just That REAL Wrestling Fans Hate The Way Wrestling Has Changed To A More Family Friendly Image Than It Was In The 90s Where We Had The Attitude Era And The Original ECW Where At That Time Wrestling Could Get Away With Some Pretty Explicit Sh*t And Nobody Would Really Make A Fuss About It The Reason People LOVED The Attitude Era And Original ECW Was Because s*x And Violence Sells Back Then Flaming Tables, Blood, Middle Fingers, Cuss Words, Beating Up Women, s**y Storylines, Were The Reason Wrestling Was Great, Now Wrestling Seems More Directed To Kids Where John Cena Is This Rapper/ Marine Never Lose Good Guy Who Sucks Up To The Crowd So Little Kids Eat It Up And Is Always In The Title Picture And Us ORIGINAL FANS Hate That Because We Witnessed The Real And Now Were Being Fed The Fake

    People Compare The Steve Austins And Rocks To The Cenas And Batistas Because There Is Nobody Who Us ORIGINAL FANS Can Relate To Now In The Wrestling Business Thats Why People Loved Austin, Raven, Sting's Crow Gimmick, Sandman, RVD, DDP, And The List Goes On Because Those People Were Just Like The Fans Where Austin Didnt Give A d**n About Rules, Raven Was Doing The Whole Cult/Punk Thing, Sting Was Like Against All Odds, Sandman Was The Drunk, RVD Was The Stoner, And DDP Was The Pretty Boy, They Modeled All The Old School Wrestlers From Real People So We Could Relate To Them Thats Why They Will Always Be Better Than Anything New

    WOW Thats ALOT Of Wisdom For A 17 Yr Old

  5. Your nuts are cracked.

  6. I have been watching wrestling since 1997.

    Some people don't like John Cena but that's their problem. What they don't realise is that when they are chanting "You Suck" to him during the show. He is loving it. Really, what he doesn't want is people saying nothing. If all the haters boo him night in and night out that is making him stronger because he is getting the biggest reaction, it doesn't matter if its not all face reactions.

    As for The Rock its completly unfair to say he doesn't care about us, his wrestling fans. For one reason is that about 80% of his wrestling fans are his movie fans aswell. The Rock chose a new career, is he bad for that? No. If you were a Football player, and played for about 8-9 years and saw an oppertunity to work less, earn more money, and not put your body at risk 3-4 nights a week then tell me that you wouldn't take it, because you would.

  7. What makes you say really they've only been watching since 2005 or 2001 mostly? And anyway people can think what they want, not what others want them to think

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