
Why do Jonas Brothers haters spend so much time bashing them??

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I thought that if you would really HATE someone so much, you would just ignore them and get over it! I don't understand why anyone would HATE the Jonas Brothers when they don't know them and have never met them! But it seems like the haters talk more about the Jonas Brothers than the fans do?!?!?! What's up with that??




  1. do we have to go over this again?

  2. I don't know, why do Jonas Brothers fans spend so much gushing over them & forcing their opinions down other peoples' throats?  Besides, it's cute when you guys accuse of being "jealous" or "having no lives".  Kind of the same fuzzy feeling you get when you play with puppies.

    Go to bed, sweetie.

  3. It's cause they are ignorant and have no lives! They seriously need to get over the fact that the Jonas Brothers are great people and they are 10 times better looking than the freaks who sit at home bashing them. Haha :) and the haters just are not educated about them. Seriously, hating ANYONE is just ridiculous cause your wasting your time. Get a life JoBro haters!

  4. I dont know but its getting really annoying

    i wish everyone would keep their opinons to themselves and

    there would be no problem! its annoying and i just want to scream

  5. because they are just jealous!!! they envy the jonas brothers! right.? hehehe...

  6. Personally I think they are okay, but I know that I shouldnt bash on them because I know that they just have a different taste than I do. But the Haters are probably just sick of everyone telling them how great they are and they just get sick of that is kinda of their way of sutting up the ppl who talk to them 24-7...

  7. and why do the jonas brothers lovers keep on being soo obbssessed with them, its not like we want to here you guys being sooo freakin obbssessed witht hem...we hate it get over it!!!!

  8. who the fack are the jonas brothers? im not being rude i really dont know who they are? why do they suck or something?

  9. And why do the brainwashed JB fans always spend time praising them? We insult them cuz they suck, and its fun. You praise them cuz you think they have talent, meaning JB fans' standards for music is very low.

  10. Well,it's yours and the

    other randomly retarded

    Jonas fans out there who

    cry for three g*y guys who

    sing like if their going

    through hormones,that's

    why we don't ignore you "fans"

    because there is too much

    fangirls who go all gaa-gaa on them

    and their not even good looking

    you know.

  11. my question exactlyyy.

    there just gayyy haters that have no life

  12. I know exactly what you mean, it's so ridiculous!!!

  13. becuz we're haters. duh. its wat we do.

  14. I know.Sometimes people need to grow up and get a life,Honestly, i think all of it is jealousy.But to the people who hate them, why spend so much time bashing them.people these days

  15. nobody is jealous of the jonas brothers. There is nothing to be jealous. It's like saying were jealous of a day old hobo. They are not talented. They think they are bad ***, but they make music for disney. gaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy

  16. Honestly, i dont hate them.

    but i'm not a fan of them.

    I believe they sing through their noses. Actual professional singers like john mayer, natasha beddingfield, prince, kelly clarkson all sing with their god given voice and use their diaphram. jb doesnt do that.

    And i just believe people have a very wierd obbsession with those guys. Its really unhealthy. Guys love Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, and the playboy bunnies but you dont see us wallpaper our bedrooms with those girls.

    Its just a phase, like the spice girls. They'll go away.

  17. your right

    they just actually love them but want to cover it up

    or just have noo life at all

  18. Because it's fun to annoy the fan girls.

    Why do you obsess over them so much?  I's not like they want crazy little girls stalking them everywhere.  And if they do want that...then...eww.

    Plus...why do you waste your time asking meaningless questions like this?

    Ew...I don't talk about them more than you do.  At least I don't have 100 posters of them in my room, and bow down to them like you people do.

    And I refuse to listen to their music...because I know it will only make my ears bleed.

    Hope I helped!!!  xD

  19. ... it takes half a minute to p**s off 15 Jonas fans.

    It takes nearly no effort with comebacks like,

    "Ur juzt jeelus"



    And this very question you've asked right now.  You've now told me I'm pissing you off quite well.

    You might as well asked why you take so much effort to try and get us to stop making fun of the Jonas Brothers.

    @ crazy babe. - Well, listen to Mandy and then listen to Burnin' Up, and try and keep a straight face saying they haven't changed.

  20. You have a point there,GIRL.well,i dont know really because im not a hater.But yea,i think they really do like the jonas brothers.And i know that they talk about the jonas brothers more than the fans do.

  21. Too true. But they are like on their computer all day theres nothing else to do except trash them and us. But then again we do the same them for loving them. URGH I am so confused. No one is ever gonna win this war.

  22. Cause it's too easy. Jonas fans are the easiest people to wind up as fans such as yourself take it all personally.

    Like if I say something along the lines of "Nick Jonas doesn't need a girlfriend, his two brothers satisfy him well in that department." The lobotomized fangirls go completely apes**t, which is just too funny.

    Now if someone insults my favourite musicians, I can take it. Infact I might insult the other guy's favourite band as comeback. But Jonas fans seem to think that the three brothers are untouchable insultwise, making them a very tempting target indeed.

  23. We hate them for their music and their fans.

    Seriously, we bash them so all of you Pro Jonas' stop asking so much nonsense questions here in Y! Answers.

    And besides, we, haters are having way too much fun teasing them.


  24. I think haters like to bash on fans because they love to make you guys mad. Also it might make them feel superior to the Jonas Brothers fans.

  25. because its fun to p**s off the fans

    and to the girl who said get a life umm your the one obsessing over them so i wouldnt be talking


    WOW seriouslyy i was going to post a question like this.

    The Jonas Brothers are amazing and that won't ever change!

    Hey hey there is alot of posers on here of the jb

    can you report them as abuse on the question please

    and pass onn.

  27. Because to people who appreciate real music, as opposed to marketing ploys to extract as much money as possible from teenage girls, it is highly offensive that this sorry excuse for a band even exists.  They're representative of everything that is wrong with the music industry, and of why there have been virtually no good albums released in the mainstream in a decade.

  28. why you and other jo bro fans keep wasting your time about the hater.  if they want to hate, go head and if you want to love them, go head, who care.

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