
Why do Jonas fans think that Anti-Jonas are emo?

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Not to insult whoever might be emo out there, but I've seen some JB fans say that Anti-Jonas are 'emo'. One girl told us to go back to listening to our music with cussing and worshipping Satan. What is up with that? Does the fact that I don't like JB automatically make Satanic or emo?




  1. Okay listen, NOT ALL OF THE JONAS BROTHER FANS ARE LIKE THAT. Why do you anti-Jonas people differentiate us so much? We're your average everyday people that just like the Jonas Brothers. Okay so some of us fans are over obsessive, but not all of them. And why would we think that you guys are emo?

    && Does the fact that we do like JB automatically make us think you Anti Jonas people are emo?

  2. All of them should grow up and face reality: the real world is hard. By all I mean the irritating fans and the anti-jonas people. Are they really that important to fuss and discuss over? NO!!!!

  3. First of all, I don't stereotype anyone on here, since I obviously don't know them!

    But, it's just the fact that you guys spend so much energy hating people and well....I don't's kinda weird.

    I mean, no offense or anything!

  4. well, that wouldnt be the first time someone said my music was satanic or emo...

    i guess SOME of them are just close minded.

  5. I agree, but some crazy JB fans cant see past their own little bubblegum pop worlds, and they think if you dont like that preppy pop stuff, then your emo, which is definately not true for all people

  6. haha. I have heard that. No I dont think all antis are emo

    And those that say you are. Well they need a life.  

  7. 'Cuz they're stupid.

    Edit: Why the thumbs downs? It's true. At least 80% of Jonas Fans ARE stupid.

  8. They're just 'jelluz' of make such accusations.

    Below: It's also kind of weird how you guys waste time asking what 'Nick Jonas REAL number was', or where they lived..and It's also kind of weird how most put 'Mrs. Joe Jonas' or Mrs. Jonas'.. infront of your name..Pathetic really.

  9. I don't think they're emo, I just think that they shouldn't be going around going "war against jb" and "why do people like jb? They suck" and stuff like that. We don't go aroud saying that about the bands you guys/girls like, so STOP!

  10. Jonas fans are preteens, they say not to judge the Jonas Brothers when they judge Anti-Jonas right back.


  11. i don't know i am labled that anyways and i am Anti JB the suck, truely they do, so just ignore 'em they think it's cool to listen to childish music then let them

  12. I know...that bothers me.  I'm far from emo.  I'm a devoted Christian at that!

    Do I look emo to anyone?  Because please...tell me if I do.

    Star for you.  =]

  13. jonas fans r 11 year old girls who barly know what emo is. dont take it personal. they r just ignorant.

  14. Cause they just try too make

    Anti- Jonas get all p*ssed off

    at them or something.

    To nιce gιяlѕ fιnιѕн lαѕт ♥:  WTF. The person who asked this question is asking you a question too, so don't ask a question when your going too answer this one, kay.

  15. Because we listen to real music.

    This proves that the Jonas Brothers are racist. Religiously.

    I am a 100% firm believer in our Lord Jesus Christ and God His Father. But I also can't stand the Jonas Brothers!!

    To all the Jonas fans: Have you ever noticed why you can't get boyfriends?

  16. im a jonas fan. doesnt mean i think ur emo. all of my friends but 3 hate the jonas brothers w a passion and there not emo. truth is just cuz u hate jonas doesnt make u emo

  17. i think theyre just mad because we make fun of the jonas brothers.

    i think...


    i make fun of them all the time!!


  18. I'm an anit-jonas and im a deeply devoted christain....

    it's probably because of the purity rings...

  19. they also think we are jealous and have no lives but i don worry too much about it.i mean we aren't the ones worshiping a crappy band all day.

  20. Because most of their fans are all big disney worshippers.There actually hypocrites cos they say dont hate or judge on JB cos you dont know them well there doing the EXACT thing to us. But not every fan does it....just the really narrow-minded ones

  21. i love jb but if u dont like them u dont like them i have a friend hoo is not 2 fond of them but she is not emo believe me

  22. id rather be an emo that a fangirl! but being serious i do agree with you. i hate the jbs but theres not enough money in the world to make me worship satan

  23. i don't think they are emo i just think some can be pretty annoying but other then that i have nothing against them.

  24. Because Jonas fans struggle and can't think of better insults.

  25. Half of them can't spell 'stupid' without two 'oo's, so I suppose 'emo' is the next best thing.

  26. JB fans have no life outside of their Disney world, its sad really :( they skip all their spelling homework to listen to them, and sadly, those kids don't listen to real music it makes me feel infuriated sometimes.

    anyway, they just don't know what else to call people that have good music taste, emo has become a common insult, and since they don't do their vocabulary homework, they can think of nothing else better to say.

    No, of course that doesn't mean you worship satan or are emo, they are just being stupid and idiotic! I am sorry Jonas fans think people like, you or me who don't like them, are emo, when we are just normal people who don't like crappy music. oh well, let them say what they want, it is not like you could read what most of them type anyway, right? :)

  27. o wow. for real? i'm not a fan of the stupid Jo Bros, but that doesn't make me Emo at all. I'm a frickin preppy girl! I'm a frickin dancer! I mean no offense to all the emos out there, but i'm not like them at all! But wow, some Jonas Fans I think are just wayy to insane!

  28. I'm a huge jonas brother fan , and I know that only a few girls say that. They're probably just confused little pre-teens not knowing the difference. And no, just because you do not like them doesn't mean your that, you just prefer other artist. Every has there own taste to music, no ones going to be alike.  

  29. Emo doesn't describe a type of person it is a type of music and a style of dress.  And just because you listen to emo music doesn't mean you worship satan.  Your almost as stereotypical as the girl who said Anti-Jonas are "emo".


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