
Why do Kmart cut employees hours but still hiring new people?

by  |  earlier

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From 30 hours a week down to 14 hours.

And will they fire me because of zero sales for smart plans and sears credit card?




  1. Many retailers keep people part time because they don't want to pay benefits. You may also be losing hours due to your sales figures. I've seen many poor souls trying to sell company credit cards. It may be a good idea to find other work.

  2. It happens everywhere. Look what recently happened to Home

  3. possibly because you're bad at your job. but aside from that, they like having many employees with few hours so that they don't have to offer benefits.

  4. Part could be because if they let you get over 30 hours a week, you get classified as a full time employ and they have to pay benefits.  Many of the discounters periodically cut back on hours  during slower times.  They keep hiring because that way they have a pool of employees to replace any that find better jobs.  Then, too, it might be because you are not selling the premium services.  It is hard to say exactly without knowing your specific situation.  Did you work more than 30 hours a week during the preceding 3 months?

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