
Why do Korean men resent western men so much?

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I know they hate to see Americans with Korean girls, but what else gives?




  1. Look at the protests over the last 6 months. Koreans don't really care much for Americans. The resentment  the men have is that they are thinking that Americans are lucky to be the world power, why, us Koreans deserve it! True fact. And the Korean girls with those guys are not in love with them, guaranteed. It's not just the men who resent westerners in general.

  2. They resent us on the ostensible level. They believe that westerners have some inappropriate motive for being in Korea. They also see the idiocy of  the behaviour of the American troops there. I have dealt with in Taiwan, most of my Korean male classmates thought that all Americans were monsters, but when they got to know me on a personal level, even the most anti-american haters became good friends with me and in time they changed their ways of thinking. Asian societies usually teach their populace in school and media that the outside world is evil and that they are superior. I have witnessed Chinese vs. Korean hatred, don't even mention Korea's feelings for Japan, I beleive that in time these resentful feelings will pass, but if you see another AMerican acting like an idiot in Korea tell him to cut it out because the actions of one idividual can ruin it for everyone else. Don't worry about haters they are everywhere, I live in New York and you can find a hater in no time. One note to Korean men, Korean women are NOT your women because women are people and not property, this kind thinking is what motivates Asian women to date foreign men by the way Killy Gonzo I have had some REALLY goreous Korean girlfriends.......Busan man just blow off the rock dude

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