
Why do Lacross players feeling like they are better then the world?

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I live near gettysburg PA and there are always lax camps. They walk everywhere with there sticks even to lunch they walk infront of your car in the middle of the street taking no consideration to the car. I saw a kid one day at a swim meet carrying his stick just twirling it around like a douchebag walking around with a "Look at me I play lacross im better then you" attitude. Why do you all feel like your gods gift to the world? You will never be a major sports in the USA just like soccer. So next time you guys grab your sticks and say "Have a LAXTASTIC day" turn on sports center and see how many lacross highlights show up.




  1. 1.) not all lacrosse players do that

    2.) spell it right

    3.) it is a great sport

    4.) learn how to play a real sport

  2. It's because Lacrosse is regarded as a 'rich sport', much like Sailing or Tennis, but with more intense, 'average-teenager', fast gameplay.

    I completely agree though, Lacrosse players at my school are the biggest douchebag's ever.

  3. I play lacrosse and i agree with you. allot of the players i know are retarded but some are okay. walking in front of cars is just because there plain stupid but they carry there stick around so they can get used to it more and get practice.

    and Don D if you watched college thats boring cuz no one gets hit but if you watch high school people get hit like crazy, unless there all pussys

  4. It is probably all that they can do. and its soooooooooo boring to watch. they carry their stick all the time because they are scared. That inferior feeling in them is why the act like they are better than anyone else

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