
Why do Laker fans take so much heat?

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seriously i'm not a fan of them, but it seems all you guys do is bash away




  1. Thats all im saying!! Its like when we express are love for tha lakers some hater is always there to run there mouth on how they suck but they are a pistons and or fan of a team who has no chance onmaking it to the finals.,., No on elikes to be honest and the more great you are the more you will get hated on thats just how it is,, I think alot of fans of the lakers are p**s because many people dont give them the props they deserve they just cut them down and say they suck,,um which isnt the truth they have never suck, they are just mad that there team isnt doin good so they gotta hate n someone

  2. Becuz they suck

  3. What up the Answer is 42,

    It comes with the territory.  When you are succesful people do not always understand and find reasons to try to tear you down.  

    i can't say every Laker fan here is a gracious winner- which is part of the heat we've taken for falling short in the finals.  But true fans of the game-- should be able to appreciate the way that the Lakers organization has always managed to put itself in a position to compete year in and year out.  

    There are a lot of haters and that just comes with the territory... i mean it's funny i've gotten thumbs down for silly stuff like-- who is better Andrew Bynum or Kwame Brown and i said Andrew- and got thumbs down- and all this stuff about over-estimating him... (i mean there's a difference between being a rational basketball fan and being a hater...)


  4. one word: Kobe Bryant

    people can't admit that he is the best player in the game today.

  5. only the delusional kobe lovers do.

    if someone came on here and said

    'paul pierce is the best player everyone else sucks, he got a ring carrying his team and got finals mvp and owned the lakers'

    and lets say someone argues and says 'well the celtics have 3 all star caliber players.  kobe is still the best and pierce is nowhere near him'

    then the guy replies and says

    'who lead a team to the championship and got finals mvp? has kobe ever done it? no pierce has.  kobe sucks, lebron sucks, cp3 sucks.'

    we all know pierce is not better than kobe, yet you will never get that point through this guys head.

    its kind of the same story with kobe jockers, delusional and will diss on anyone who dares to argue with them.

  6. Because they are biased, delusional idiots

  7. because they think they are the best team even when they are not .  like lakers own Boston  give me a break

    they make you dislike them with the things they post on here

    even beaten they will not admit they were not the best team .

    if Boston would have lost I would not spend time on here acting like they won .

    Lakers could very well win it all next year but would the fans enjoy it

    I am not sure because in there minds they never really lose

  8. Dude....fair question...i would say they are the majority in this section.  I would say it's based on their percentage.

  9. It's like when you see idk, Mike Tyson talking S**t, you wanna shut them up.

  10. they are just too delusional, im a realist, i dont think they have an objective bone in theyre body

  11. because we have the 2nd most titles.

    Yankee Fan

    Laker fan

    Dolphins fan =(!

  12. SHOWTIME, HOLLYWOOD, MOVIESTARS, TICKET PRICES, Need I say more..... I think not!

  13. Because all they care about is kobe. Also, most of them are clueless when it comes to the rest of the league. I know that is not the case for all Laker fans but it is for a lot of them.

  14. THANK YOU!!!

    People like X-factor dont say stop hating becuase they wish their pathetic teams can be as good as the lakers.

  15. Because they always have a big mouth even when their team got stumped all over.

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