
Why do Libs hate Reps so much?

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Because of war? oil companies? not enough wealth sharing? upper income people not paying enough tax? too much religion? no g*y marriage? abortion not promoted enough? Reps not playing fair? Fox news and Rush Limbaugh of the world? Not crazy about Hollywood?

Too much international trade? Not enough labor union? picking on teachers union? Reps are selfish in general? Reps are hypocritical?

Did I miss something here ?




  1. Because the neocons are for

    - bigger government

    - bigger government power

    - bigger government cost

    - less freedom & liberty

    - worldwide interventionism

    - policing the world

    - takeover of private property

    - takeover of the free market

    - control of the debate system to lock out 3rd parties

    - endless new legislation

    - endless inflation created by the 'fed'

    - endless debt creation

    - policy to give big business, OUR tax dollars

    - policy to create, and maintain government protected monopolies (evasion of free market)

    Unfortunately, the democrats have been taken over by the neocons long ago, and they seek the same big government advances with minor differences in pop culture issues. This is why the republicrats (the republicans and democrats) will not mention these issues, and avoid them at all costs.

  2. libs felt scorned by reps, because of the way they reacted to clinton cheating and it felt (to me) like they were saying - tsk, tsk, all libs will cheat- but as we know - now, we have a chance to put a rep in office who is a real american - NOT a bush protege - i liked McCain when he ran against Bush, he should have been on the ticket back then, the fact the *old school* reps bumped him for Bush Sr, SON left a bad taste in many Americans mouths and caused an immed. dislike for Jr....then with the ENTIRE election fiasco...oh goodness, was that man ever going to be liked? How he was re-elected - well honestly, that was because the libs put him against Kerry and (really?!?) what choice did America have????

    McCain is NOT Bush Jr - he is not Carter (like Obama), He is his own man! Did he pick this woman to be VP cuz he wanted to upset the "norm" - i believe was his own personal middle finger to the *old school* reps that bumped him last time (when he was younger and more easily electable) for a *young* man who would be controlled (eck, eck, Obama)....

    McCain 08

  3. Because Republicans can prove there lying.all the time. Why call them liberals, when they really are fascists waiting for there chance to dictate.  

  4. No.  Actually, it's about the systematic oppression of those who are powerless to protect themselves, including the post-born...  Those in power often don't do the oppressing themselves, but they DO make it possible and probable by laying the groundwork for local government to do the oppressing.  That's where lives are lost...

    Yes, hypocrisy is up there at the top of the list.

  5. Because the libs hate everyone who doesn't agree with them or think like them. They're just hateful people really.

  6. Also because hateful twits like Hannity, O 'LIEly, Rove, Limboob and the like have turned the word liberal into a dirty word.  We are taking the word liberal back.

  7. Dunno. Why does everyone overgeneralize all the time?

  8. Because their self centered, egotistical, arrogant, pompous, and morally superior bull**** is ruining my country!!!!    

  9. we don't hate them, just are tired of them giving to the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class

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