
Why do Londoners?

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like to stab eachother?

Is there nothing better to do down there?




  1. Oh yes, all of us like to do it. All 8 million.

    Great generalisation skills you have there.

  2. It's the blacks that are the problem. Pity when white kids get caught up in it though.

  3. Real Londoners don't do that.  Yes there is lots to do down here that's why they is so many northerners on their £10 National Express weekend package deals........ and immigrants.

    I bet you have never even been to London.  Save up your £10er you'll have fun.

  4. As someone else has already said it's wannabe gangsta's that are the problem. They seem to have some warped idea stabbing/shooting someone gets them respect. Shame we don't have the death penalty because occasionally some innocent kid gets murdered simply for being in the wrong place.

  5. Agree totally with: Paul, & Miss London, good comments, and true.

  6. 95% of knife crime (stabbings) are directly linked to young black males. This is from the Met Police themselves. The vast majority of shootings are also connected with black youths.

    If you want to generalise why not pick up on that fact?

  7. You need to get your facts straight. There are around 10 million people in greater London. The percentage who get stabbed is extremely small.

    This question is like asking why do all Americans shoot each other?

    Why do all northerners wear cloth caps?

  8. I don't know the statistics, but maybe it's always been like this, just that the media brings it to our attention.

    Poor parenting ?

    Lack of Disapline ?

    Peer pressure ?

    Dares ?

    Bordem ?

    No self control ?

    Anger issues ?

    Who knows................

    Just make it stop.

  9. They should bring back national service

  10. it's because they don't go racing pigeons and Whippets and have flat caps and cobbled streets like us Northerners.

    we have so much to fill our days with in the North, they just must get bored daaarn Saaaarf

  11. Do you know what? I totally agree with you. The Government needs to stop knife crime, BEFORE it is too late.

  12. could you imagine if we had america's gun laws?

  13. ok yeah... it is a bit generalised...

    maybe its because we have so many different people from so many different cultures...

    it is a good question actually...
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