
Why do Marijuana users claim it has no negative effects at all?

by Guest65733  |  earlier

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My best friend used to smoke pot every day back in highschool. I remember him being quite intelligent before but now 8 years later it has taken over his life. His whole life revolves around smoking pot and he has trouble carrying on a decent conversation or doing simple math in his head or anything that requires some thought.

I think he's also been lately trying some other stuff but I'm not sure exactly what. It bugs me when marijuana advocates claim there is nothing wrong with the drugs in any sense and that it is not addictive at all. I can see it with my own eyes and I'm not dumb, it's ruining his life and no one can seem to talk the sense in to him. I wish he had just taken up smoking cigarettes. Sure he'd probably get cancer 40 years down the road but at least he would have 40 years where he could act as a functioning human being.




  1. They think that it is cool and will hurt them. I really can not stand Mtv because they are constantly telling teens that it is cool. Teenagers will delude their selves into thinking that there is no repercussion for their actions because its not instant. We live in a world where everything has to be now.  

  2. because they are too high to discern reality. because how could something that makes you feel soooo good be bad for you in any way?! it's ridiculous as you know, but it's reality.  

  3. i don't think a serious advocate would ever say there were NO side effects...but compared to the number of deaths caused by drinking and harder drug use pot looks pretty's a very personal choice dad has smoked for almost 40 years now and is one of the most intelligent people i know...he can carry on a conversation..remembers names, dates, directions, phone numbers better than his non smoking new wife can sometimes:) i started smoking at 19 and i work a full time job..just got promoted...and i rationalize my pot use by thinking it would cost me a lot more money to go to a therapist and be prescribed other drugs for depression and whatever awesome disorder they may tell me i have...instead i smoke a bowl or two a day and live my life...i think that i have a right as an adult to make that choice

  4. i know plenty of people who smoke weed and haven't been affected negatively ive tried it and i dont see it as a huge problem

  5. They want to believe that so they can keep using it. If it has no negative effects why is it not legal? My nephew started out on Marijuana and now he is always trying to get something stronger. He will actually break his finger or slam the hood of a car on his hand so he can go to the Dr and get harder drugs. I can't tell you how many times he has been arrested. His wife is hooked on pills also and they have had their 2 kids taken away from them by the legal system for doing drugs in front of them. Their kids are 9 (just turned 9) and 6. He started smoking Marijuana 16 years ago. I told my sister it would only get worse and he would need stronger & stronger drugs but she wouldn't believe me. Now she does, but it's too late.

  6. i go to UCDavis. i smoke weed ALL DAY. to each his own.

  7. They think this way because there seems to be plenty written to support the way the feel. I would guess most written by other stoned individuals.

    I used to be a very heavy pot smoker for several years. It wrecks your brain. It is just as bad for you as smoking cigarettes, several studies I have read say worse.

    Most of the people I was smoking with all thought it had no negative effects. It's possibly denial. Like a drunk finds it hard to admit they have a drinking problem, a stoner finds it hard to admit their smoking is a problem.

    I seriously feel other drugs I have taken have had much less negative effect on me. I don't feel any stupider than I was before taking some pills and the like, but definitely feel I'm stupider than when I started smoking pot. In saying that the other drugs were only taken occasionally, not daily like the pot.  

  8. it definaly does have a huge negative effect.

    it doesnt mess you up as much as like meth or cocaine.

    or get you addicted as much as nictatine. but it sure

    does have some negative effects or it wouldnt be illgeal! lol.

    im not really postive what the effects are though.

  9. yeah I agree and most users move on to heavier drugs. People see it as being harmless and non addictive.. then why do people go back for more? My brother uses it and I am not impressed

  10. I imagine that users do this so that they can justify their habit.

    Some studies have shown that the brain is in development until

    age 25. If marijuana is smoked after the age of 25, not a lot of

    damage will occur (according to these studies). However, in the

    teen or p*****n years (or even early twenties) if marijuana is

    consumed, however, the toxins released will stunt the brain growth

    and damage cells and tissue. So yes, your best friend has damaged

    his brain growth for life.  

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