
Why do McCain Supporters continually cry about Obama having no clear policies?

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They whine and complain just like McCain Said, and he truly meant that for his party.

I've read time and time again, Obama doesn't have a clear agenda, Obama Supporters don't know why they are voting for him. Obama doesn't have the experience. Obama is a Muslim.

IMHO they are forever repeating the same lies over and over again. I guess this makes McCain Supporters feel good when they tell themselves this. When you tell them exactly what Obama will do or HAS done, clearly they have an invalid argument with some off the wall answer, that does not make any sense.

So here is a question for Obama supporters to Give it to them once and for all.

What are the reasons you are VOTING for OBAMA?

Please be clearful and objective. McCain Supporters don't like to THINK, they need it spelled out for them plain and simple. And please don't SHOUT your answer, we don't want to come across like Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly.




  1. Why I'm not voting for Obama. He is a Marxist, socialist. Pro Abortion. Got up in Illinois and voted No giving mandatory medical attention toward baby's that survived an abortion. Hangs out with people like William Ayres who in the 60's bombed the capitol and killed some police and thinks they should of did more. Has a preacher whom was his mentor for 20years who said GD America and that America was responsible for Aids against ****** and that said 9/11 was okay because it was Americas chickens coming home to rest. Has no Experience. Hasn't had a full term in US senate. His first month in Senate he ran for president. He thinks community service should be required by everbody. He want to lower funding for military. He want to stop militizing space. He wants to tax Oil companies on there profits and in return oil companies stick it to us. He wants to Increase takes on social security, also wants to increase taxes on FICA. I can keep going but im not but thats the reason im not voting vor Obama.

  2. He did spell out his policies. They are identical to Carl Marx the founder of  the communist party. His speeches remind me of the Anti Christ predictions in the bible. People worship him like the next Messiah or the Chosen one. He is very well spoken and the brainwashed masses hang on his every word. But, so was Adolf Hitler a key player in the creation of the n**i party.

    What I don't understand is, why Democrats that claim to be educated, claim he is the best thing for this country. I can no longer say many good things about Senator McCain.

    How's this, consider the Libertarian Candidate, Bob Barr? It may be a vote for "None of the Above". You want change? Let's clean house and vote out all the Democrats and Republicans.

    For the Obama Supporters, it's clear to me you continue to ignore Obama's liberal voting record, his Socialist views on Health care, Massive tax increases for welfare programs, associations with the terrorist William Ayers that helped launch his political career from his home, his clear hatred of America and anyone white based on him worshiping with Rev. Wright for over 20 years.

    So, I'm not whining about him being unclear. It is very clear he is a Dangerous Socialist with a Muslim background that is intent on Destroying America's economy, Military, and freedom. But the brainwashed masses still worship him and vote for him.

  3. If you want to see what all the "change" speached do just look here in Massachusetts. Deval Patrick = Barak Obama. Both had that moonbat Axelrod run their campaigns.

    Obama even plagerized Patricks speaches.

    Patrick has done NOTHING even with the most leberal state government in the country.

    THAT is why I am not voting for Obama.

  4. I'm voting for Obama/Biden because during the primaries, everything that Barck Obama talked about implementing, well, lo and behold George Bush has followed through.  (what a coincidence) Obama is not running for President for Political Purposes, he's running to make this great nation what it used to be.

    If you're a real patriot, then it has NO party, we all Love this country that we live in, but under Bush/Cheney regime and IF elected McCain, then the two Americas will continue, The Rich America, The Poor America, (Remember John McCain thinks Middle class Americans make 5 million Dollars). We need a President in office, who wants this America UNITED, where we stand and work together side by side, not constantly pointing fingers, and belittling Americans because their pockets don't run deep enough.

    This is not the America our founding fathers wanted for us, they wanted this Nation to be strong and wealthy.  Please reread the Preamble to the Constitution:

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    Obama said, “What has also been lost is our sense of common purpose - our sense of higher purpose.”  So these past 8 years, have been like a twilight zone and electing McCain will continue.  McCain Supporters cry about taxes, this makes me wonder is everyone in this Country making over 250,000.00 a year?  I know I don't, but if I did, I would not mind being taxed a little more if it insured that it was helping my fellow American.  I would not mind my taxes to help get this great nation back to where it should be, but I do mind sending my money to other countries for things that don't make sense, like the bush/cheney administration have done.  I do mind, that the social security taxes and medicare taxes taken out of my paycheck every week to insure that I can retire comfortably and have  health insurance get taken away from me because this Government as it is now wants to privatize the funds and let the corporate conglomerates do as they please.  Obama will not let this happen, but McCain will.

    We as Americans will never agree on a lot of things, but can we learn to come together in the middle and come up with solutions that will work out for all of mankind.  Senator Obama said, “We may not agree on abortion, but surely we can agree on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country.” and “don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.”  McCain supporters just don't get it.  I guess it becomes all too clear of why they would support him, but I will not spell it out in this forum.

    Obama wants to stop giving tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas, he will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America.

    He wants to eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow.

    He will cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95% of all working families.  Because in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle-class and poor.

    John McCain has said no to higher fuel-efficiency standards for cars, no to investments in renewable energy, no to renewable fuels, he wants to drill for short term solutions that will not do anything for our children and grandchildren of the future.

    During his speech at the 2008 DNC Senator Kerry said, let’s compare Senator McCain to candidate McCain.

    Candidate McCain now supports the wartime tax cuts that Senator McCain once denounced as immoral. Candidate McCain criticizes Senator McCain’s own climate change bill. Candidate McCain says he would now vote against the immigration bill that Sen. McCain wrote. Are you kidding? Talk about being for it before you’re against it.

    Barack Obama has said, many of these plans will cost money, which is why he laid out how It will get paid for - by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens that don't help America grow.  But he will also go through the federal budget, line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less - because we cannot meet twenty-first century challenges with a twentieth century bureaucracy.

    So there you have it McCain supporters, this is not even the tip of the Iceberg but I'm so tired of you all trying to twist things around and make them out to fit what you want others to hear, instead of taking the time to take off the blinders and think for yourselves.

  5. Like Nikki, I've been looking at both candidates site .

    Obam IS following party lines. There's too much grothw of Federal Government & regulation. And that takes taxes. Taxes he'll raise on corporations who will find ways around them Jobs will suffer, we will suffer & the economy will shrink.

    There was no talk on Obama's site about reducing government spending or programs only growing them.

    Not good.

  6. What are the policies?  Change.  That's an ambiguous term.  It isn't a policy.  Change for the sake of change isn't necessarily good.    

    I am voting for McCain but I listened to the coronation speech and was impressed.  However, there was no substance.  He seems like a nice guy, truly believes what he says, but its not reality.    

    In the primaries, he ran as a liberal.  Now, he is moving to the center.  Tax cuts for 95% of taxpayers.  What's wrong with 100%.  The 5% he is leaving out are the people that actually pay taxes.  

    Here is my breakdown of the three most important issues.

    1.  The war.  McCain will continue to fight.  Obama will withdraw from Iraq.  I have always believed that we will, and should have said from the outset, that we are in Iraq for fifty years.

    2.  Taxes.  I am a firm believer in "trickle down" economics.  As dismissed as it is by the "educated" experts, I have seen it work three times in my life and seen the failures of when it is abandoned.

    3.  Supreme Court Justices.  Obama will appoint justices like Ginsburg, Stevens and Breyer.  McCain says he will appoint justices like Scalia and Thomas.  I want justices like Scalia and Thomas.  

    I bet I have put more thought into this than you have.  I bet I'll get a thumbs down but, the reality is, this is my thought process and it is used to decide who I am voting for.  

  7. Because Obama is more closely able to relate to the middle class. He is able to see how the current economy is affecting jobs, housing and welfare of middle class and poor. McCain cannot relate to these economic woes as many of his advisers have stated that we are doing fine in this country economically. McCain's camp doesn't seem to address the fact that Many working americans have lost jobs, houses and are having a hard time making ends meet. Obama addresses issues FACING the WORKING CLASS of Americans...just visit and click on issues and you will clearly see he has clear policies  

  8. Reason - - - you used the word Reason?????  They do not need a reason - - - they are not rational people they want a Republican and if Jesus Christ were to return to Earth and select Gandhi as his running mate the Republicans would still support McCain.  You should have seen Lindsay Graham having a coronary the other day over the issue of Obama - - - what was truly funny about the interview was that Graham was wearing his whitest KKK robe & Hood and George Stephanopholous (misspelled) said nothing?  Nothing matters - - - no argument will sway Republicans - - - heck even McCain is blunt enough to say he likes Democrats such as Hillary and others BUT STILL America Will face dire ruin & damnation if Democrats prevail on any level.  The blunt truth is that Republicans want ONE PARTY rule - - - no opposition just a rubber stamp much like the n**i s!  


  9. Because Barack Obama wants to increase our troops to take the strain off those currently serving, and to make sure we have enough for homeland security.

    Because he wants to make sure our troops are properly armed, and have necessary supplies.

    Because Barack Obama wants to cut taxes for seniors making less than 50k per year.  Which is especially important to me, because my Grandmother, even with her pension and social security, struggles to make ends meet.

    Because Barack Obama will address the Early Childhood Education crisis, making it more available to millions of working families.

    Because Barack Obama wants to reform NCLB, focus on English and Mathematics (two areas where we are sorely lacking) and address the high number of high school dropouts.

    Of course, my reply only touches on a few of the many plans that Barack Obama has for this country.  All the naysayers should take the time to go to his website, and read through his plans.

  10. Just for the record, I was voting Libertarian but Palin has swayed me back to the Republicans.

    I've started reading Obama's (& MCCain's) sites to get their takes, now that it's time to stop the tom-foolery here on Y!A (it's been fun) & get down to brass tacks.

    Both are very general on their actions, outside of McCain's tax holiday & drill + do everything for energy - which makes sense to me. But to your question:

    Obama DOES speak to points. He proposes very clearly on several issues, but still is generalizing (as does McCain) on wy too many things. & the specifics, like a Windfall Oil Profits tax & $50 billion to jumpstart the economy, follow dem party lines, as do most of his other proposals.

    I see the few SPECIFIC things stated on his site as socialistic, gov't growth & interference with the economy. I dont think its a good way.

    But let's keep at it. Shall we?

  11. Not.  His ideas are not new, been tried before and for the most part, failed.

    They are NOT his ideas, not his speeches.  Click this link to see what one educated black man has to say about his ideas!

  12. They claim he has no policies, then in another answer claim they oppose him for a string of policies. Usually taxation (in a confused way).

    Contradiction indeed.

    edit - No Garfield, Obama is not a Marxist or a socialist for that matter. Marxists believe in workers' revolution and the seizing of means of production. When did you hear him advocating that? He also supports regular capitalism. Stop parroting the news and learn.

  13. Obama doesn't have clear policies.  His own campaign advisor was caught on video saying Obama has no plans for Iraq. She said what Obama tells his supporters is "best case scenarios", which are almost always unrealistic. She also said he would create a plan once he is president.

    There are plenty of long lists of quotes that prove he is flip floping and making false promises. He also votes "present" instead of yes or no. He doesn't want people to know how he really thinks.

    Obama has used Freudian projection throughout his campaign. Lenin, Mao, and Hitler also used Freudian projection to make their followers believe they were good for their followers. (Later, most of the supporters regretted helping those people rise to power.)

    Basically, what he says has no meaning. He is a projectionist

    YouTube - Obama Flip Flops On Iran

    Just days after he said "Iran is no big threat to us " he changed his position to "Iran is a grave threat" when he was talking to a different group of people.

    Collection of Obama Flip-Flops

    Obama 4 Foreign Policy Flip Flops

    Hillary slams Obama 'present' votes on abortion, gun laws ...

    Obama Votes "Present" 130 Times in Illinois ...

  14. The "clear" policies are flawed, increase the taxes on gas companies to lower gas prices, that will drive the price of gas up, with the chance of a possible alternative fuel decades away, we need a fix now, not in 20 years.

  15. they are trying to win your vote. are you going to fall for a better slogan to what its meaning is is still unknown, or are you going to go for something that seems reasonable? Everything Obama  plans on doing is new...and costs money. Do you want you government to have a hand in your health care? It will cost you. What do you think Obama means saying "for those who want it" means? Obama supporters listen to a perfect ending to a story but there is nothing out there telling anyone how they are going to get from point A to point C. If you know the answer to this please tell me because I have sent 3 emails to Obama sites and all I get in return is them asking me for money. Maybe some simpletons need this reworded. HE HAS POLICIES BUT NO MEANS OF GETTING IT DONE. INCREASE THE MILITARY? HOW IS HE GOING TO RAISE THE MONEY FOR THAT WITH? HIRE ILLEGAL MEXICANS TO BE IN THE MILITARY FOR NEXT TO FREE? HEALTHCARE? THE ORGINZATION OF SUCH A FEAT ITSELF WOULD BE EXPENSIVE.  FACTS ARE THAT A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF TAX MONEY IS WASTED NOT MOST OF OUR TAX DOLLARS VIA LOBBYISTS.

  16. Hitler's followers didn't investigate his half-truths either, and look where that left them. In fact, many Hitler supports were the rich german jews he was planning on eliminating. Unfortunately, for the jews, they didn't see through his frenzied inspiring speeches to see the real subterfuge going on--undermining their importance in the German community.

    Hitler spoke about taxing the rich more than the poor--made the rich a target of his campaign--got the germans so rilled up they lost their reasonable minds-went insane in a way--because the poor germans wanted the rich jewish peoples homes, businesses, and all they had--without working for it--and Hitler was the man who claimed to be able to liberate them from poverty---and CHANGE Germany for the better.

    Sound familiar?

    I'm not saying BO is another Hitler, mind you, but he is using the same platform--and scary to think--but it is attracting the same kind of mentality that Hitler did--poor-save me from the govt take away from the rich kind of saps.

  17. Be prepared to hear a lot of talk about being inspired, and hating Bush. The reason we say you don't know his positions is because you haven't really looked into them. They're mathematically impossible, but you're too busy feeling inspired to care.

  18. Well ... I wont vote McCain because he said that 90% of bush policies were correct and I dont want bush anymore .

    I wont vote him because he is republican and their foreign policy is mainly about fighting , less diplomacy.

    I vote Obama because he is the opposite and some more ... should I write ?

  19. How out of touch are you libs anyway?  None of these responses list a single material concrete reason to vote for the guy. If I promise you the world, would you vote for me?  Success comes from within. The government can not provide you with success. Every blog site that is listed in favor of Obama can be contradicted by Obama's own words in a different blog.  He's holding an elusive carrot in front of your noses and leading you down a path of reliance and slavery by the government. Read his books, his words. He professes communism. He and his wife were brought up learning the teachings of Marxists. h**l, even Michele's speech at the convention was quotes from Saul Linski, a noted communist sympathizer and anarchist.  

    Hitler promised the world via nationalist socialism to his countrymen. Very few read his book Mein Kampt. He, too, was very eloquent and charismatic.  This is history repeating itself here. And Hitler cared very much for his country as well. He was considered a patriot.

    So when you wish for big government control and are blinded by eloquence or whatever, just don't lose site of the reality. Read and understand what this man is now, where he has come from and what he truly believes before you blindly vote for him simply because he's not republican

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