
Why do Men Support Masturbation

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So we've claimed "it's illegal to m********e in public"

Well would you m********e infront of your family? The point is why do people m********e behind closed doors as if in shame, but openly support their right to do so online? If masturbation is something to be proud of, then people should do it in a way that demonstrates how proud they are to m********e.

Oh, and to those who believe masturbation reduces aggression. It doesn't, it may reduce the current sexual tension, but masturbation is self-teaching one self that sexual impulses are acted upon, and masturbation in the presence of pornography is self-teaching that women are sexual objects. (And there are BETTER ways to get happy, LSD or Ecstacy for example)




  1. Why dont you just grab some lube and go to town?  

  2. you wanna know why we support it?

    because its self-s*x. thats why.

    it produces an o****m, and there isnt anything wrong with it.

    But, we dont do it in public cause there is a thing called indescent exposure, which is illegal.hahaaha.

    thats why.

    and besides, its america? if we wanted to be naked we'd go to the nude beaches in Spain.

  3. Simply because one says that masturbation is healthy, stress relieving, endorphin releasing, and somewhat healthy to do does not mean that because these benefits exist one should exercise doing so in public. Masturbation is a healthy process a vast majority of the population goes through on a relatively frequent basis, however it should be done in private. That's look at defecation for a parallel, defecation and masturbation are both processes that are healthy, and involve the unsightly anatomical nether-regions. You can find it plastered all over the internet that going to the bathroom regularly, or even at all is a healthy and extremely normal process. However, just because the internet claims this, does not mean it should be done in public. It's socially considered a private matter that everyone should keep to themselves, it produces asinine odors, sweat, and numerous other things that aren't so pleasant to observe. So simply because there's the promotion of something on the internet like showering, masturbation, defecation, or sexual intercourse, does not mean it should be done in public by any means. Most people do all of the above processes, and in fact most are required to sustain life on this planet, but they are not done in public.

    To address your pseudo-analytical statement on life (In regards to the fact that everything you promote should be done in public.), you're asking for a societal rewrite which won't come to fruition in any of our lifetimes. You're asking people to throw away their inhibitions regarding sexuality, nudity, and bodily functions which society constantly tells us is not acceptable. That's simply life.

    On a final note, although you decry masturbation with pornography as degrading to women, don't get me wrong it is to both men and women, encouraging drug usage is not a viable alternative. Apart from being illegal, drugs such as LSD can leave permanent after images, and not to mention potential psychological damage from, "bad trips". In addition, ecstasy is an incredibly dangerous drug to use, it can be cut with other addictive ingredients, and potentially kill people if they take too large a dose and aren't given the proper treatment.

    Your entire post seems to be you ranting about a societal issue, which actually isn't a societal issue, followed by endorsement of drugs. It's okay to disagree with masturbation, and even to decry it, it doesn't mean you're going to change anything though.

  4. I don't think it's particularly a male thing, because I support it, but I think it's a private thing. People can talk about doing it, but it's not one of the things you'd normally want to do in front of people, mainly because it might upset them. (I gather it's not uncommon in relationships though, so yes people do it in front of others). People go to the toilet privately and it's even illegal to urinate in public. It's a similar thought of thing. Some things are acceptable, but people are accustomed to doing it in private.


  5. You take your LSD and Ecstacy so your noodle stays limp. Normal men m********e. It's no more wrong than peeing. Sperm and seminal fluid build up. It is a quick safe and harmless way to release sexual tension. Most of us has lives with real women, but still release when normal sexual relations are not right. I don't don't pee or deficate in front of people either. Does that make it shameful to do as well?  

  6. It's frowned on in public because it imposes an experience (viewing) on the unwilling.  If by 'family' you mean *family of origin*, it borders on incest.  "As if in shame" is an untested assumption - examine closely please.  

    Sexual impulses should be acted on *with consenting partners*, which, of course, includes oneself.

    MAST _ _ BATE.  What's missing?

    U R

    Enjoy your life.  Or don't, if you'd rather not.

  7. I would suggest picketing in front of a major store, carrying a sign that says "Support Masturbation". That should help your cause. Please be  sure to post pics and let the Answers community know how it goes for you.

  8. I dont think men support it any more than women its just that people expect men to be more perverted

  9. you're still a virgin....aren't ya???

  10. i dont m********e behind closed doors

    my boyfriend does in front of me

    thats not behind doors. yeah lets go and

    m********e infront of our familys.

    i dont want my family to see

    my pussi or whatever.

    dude your a goose stop

    asking these type of questions

  11. Oh hi mom.

    Hi Danny, how was school?

    Not so good, kinda bad. I think I"m gonna m********e. That might make me feel better.

    Okay honey, but please don't ejaculate on the counter, I'm trying to make dinner.

    ....Are you serious. Are you freaking serious.

    I think you need to go m********e.

  12. dude u NEED to shut the **** up!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. so you are an exhibitionist?

  14. will you go out with me?

  15. um..

    why the h**l would people wanna **** infront of their family?

    i bet you do

  16. That would be rude.

    It's also a private thing.

  17. "One man's meat is another man's poison." Wouldn't you feel appalled if you saw a couple doing IT in front of you? No matte how much they may enjoy it, you don't like it. Moreover, while masturbating your nerves are taken over- your actions become spontaneous. Withal, the inherent quality of 'self-respect' pops up and the preponderance is ashamed of displaying its privates to public.  

  18. Masturbation cuts down on the chance of getting a STD, and also unwanted pregnancies.

    By they way, did you know that masturbation is merely a substitute for intercourse?  duh

  19. well its the same thing as taking a poo! its not bad or illegal i just wouldnt do it in front of my family!

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