
Why do Mexican people need Visa to enter the USA but Not to Canada ?

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no make sense! Canada is wealthier, bigger and a more beautiful country!

so, Why do the USA thinks they are the center of the universe?

Canada is a young country made and forged by Immigrants, as well.




  1. Canada has always been more immigrant friendly than the US. It is a known fact that immigrants who have been rejected by the US government, have been accepted by the Canadian government when applying to immigrate.

    The Canadians readily accepted all the US citizens who did not want to serve in the Vietnam War. And the US citizens were in essence, illegal  when they crossed the border.  They sought amnesty because of persecution by the US government for not serving in the draft.  And Canada took them in - in droves.

    Canada is also a socialized country.  Hence, its government has a different concept than the US's immigrant-wise.

    Bypass the US altogether and go North...keep going North to Canada!  As you say, Canada is beautiful, friendly and open to immigrants.

    Of course, so is the US beautiful, friendly and open to immigrants - just not illegal immigrants.

  2. Mexicans have one if not the highest rate in the US for illegal immigration. They also have a history of uniformed gangs especially in California.

    Canada is not wealthier than the US in terms of dollars. The US by far has more revenue coming in through tax dollars and more people living there. Yes Canada is a beautiful country not to mention rich in agriculture however, they are just as tough on immigration as the US.

    Canadian immigration used to hand out visas in large quantities however, that has all changed due to the events which took place on 9/11.

    Canada does not require Mexicans to apply for a visa because there isn't a huge influx of them entering and migrating to the country. A lot of them would prefer to live in the US.

  3. Mexicans only need their Mexican passport to enter Canada.

    Canada is a more civilized and prosper country.

  4. Because people in Canada is more civilized than in the USA

  5. it is very hard to get a visa and takes alot of time, i have friends who have been waiting on there visa for years. canada is more open minded the usa should follow in there footsteps

  6. What is the problem with having to get a visa?  It's no big deal really unless there is a reason you would not qualify for one.  That is essentially why the visa is required--to make sure that only those who are allowed to enter can.

    If you can't get a visa then obviously there is a reason.  In that case go on to Canada,

  7. Because there are 20-30 million illegal mexicans in canada.  DUH  Why don't you take all your illegal buddies and wear out your welcome there!

    Report illegal aliens at

    Report all illegal employers at www. we hire aliens . com (spaces to avoid yahoo censors)

  8. You need to set starndards. If Canada was sitting right beside Mexico, I'm almost positive that they would be trying to keep them out also.

    Canada being more beutiful is a opinion, and I don't belive they are wealthier then the U.S.

    Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive.

  9. You are wrong you  need a passport. Canada does not allow illegals to work or go to school. Mexico is even stricter.

    Canada is as old is the US. Both places got settled at the same I suggest you go read your mexican govt info and canada govt info on the govt of canada site. yahoo will not let me post it today. you are wrong.


    Canada has specific requirements for who can and cannot enter Canada and the type of identification they require.

    The CBSA is vigilant in determining the admissibility of individuals by verifying identification and checking for violations of Canadian law.

        * Required Identification

              o Travelling with Children

        * Why some people cannot enter or remain in Canada

    from canada customs and border agency.

    Visiting Canada — Applying for a temporary resident visa outside Canada (IMM 5256)

    Appendix A: Temporary Resident Visa Exemptions

    *Persons who do not require a visa to visit Canada include:

    * Subject to change at any time

        * citizens of Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Republic of Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel (National Passport holders only), Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Slovenia, Switzerland, United States, and Western Samoa;

        * persons lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence who are in possession of their alien registration card or can provide other evidence of permanent residence;

        * British citizens and British Overseas Citizens who are re-admissible to the United Kingdom;

        * citizens of British dependent territories who derive their citizenship through birth, descent, registration or naturalization in one of the British dependent territories of Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn, St. Helena or the Turks and Caicos Islands;

        * persons holding a British National (Overseas) Passport issued by the Government of the United Kingdom to persons born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong;

        * persons holding a valid and subsisting Special Administrative Region passport issued by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China; and

        * persons holding passports or travel documents issued by the Holy See

    You need a passport not a visa same as in the US. If your countrymen would not flood the us illegly we would have no issues.

  10. First, to say Canada is wealthier and more beautiful is absolutely rediculous.  You need to spend more time (1) studying the US economy and GDP and (2) traveling the US more than you have.  Canada is bigger, but only in square mileage.

    Second, Mexicans are supposed to have a visa to enter the United States because that's how the law is written.  The law is this way to (1) control how many enter the US and (2) determine who we have entering.  Enforcement is not perfect as is evident by the number of illegal aliens we have.

    So many people think that the US somehow thinks it is at the "center of the universe", to use your terminology.  In some ways, the United States, by matter of fact and verifiable statistics, is highly successful and has bragging rights in some areas.  But I don't meet many Americans who honestly believe we are better than individuals in other countries, or individual governments in most cases.

    However, I have heard many Canadians and Europeans who certainly believe they are the center of the universe.  So it seems to me every country has it's own share if idiots.  Kind of like the type of idiots that assert their country is wealthier, bigger and more beautiful when such facts are not consistently verifiable on a large scale.

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