
Why do Mexicans prefer to call U.S. their home away from home?

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"There is a Zogby Poll in 2003 that was taken. About 57 percent of Mexicans believe that they have the right to enter the U.S. without permission. And in that same poll, 58 percent said the southwestern states belong to Mexico," says Wahala.




  1. The problem lies with a universal acceptance of criminal behavior from Mexican people and widespread illiteracy in all languages - including their own.  The Mexicans are so poorly educated they don't know any history - not even their own apparently.

    As this "bolio" knows a little history.....I am sharing it with the "bolio" above who apparently does not.

    The most basic of history classes will teach you certain things about Mexico.   Mexico not only lost territory they claimed  through war (currently western states) - yet NEVER occupied - they also sold the property to the United States.  

    The United States actually had won through war the land all the way to Mexico City.  Due to negotiations between the state departments of both countries - Mexico decided to SELL the land to the United States that is now our western states.  Payment from the United States was remitted and accepted by the government of Mexico for said acreage.

    Mexico didn't even have the right to sell this land - the land belonged to the indigenous people that were inhabitants - and it is they who should have been paid for it.  What we did wrong was remit payment to the WRONG nation.  The Indian nations were due payment - not Mexicans.

    Another thing we did wrong was give back any of the land - all the way down to Mexico City.  Apparently even the Mexicans believe they are not capable of quality self - governance and thus are fleeing to our country to get away from themselves under THEIR OWN RULE.   I just plain don't get this, not at all.

      Now - if we were to give any credence to the claims of illegal, illiterate masses that have invaded us from the southern border - we must also be willing to give back all land from the Louisiana Purchase back to France.  Both parcels of acreage were purchased.

    Needless to say - "giving land back"  isn't going to happen.  Not now - not ever.

  2. Why do you even care? just to prove you wrong not all Mexicans are racists. & the southern states at one time did belong to Mexico. Learn your history bolio

  3. i think the main reason is that because mexico and america are all part of the same land just seperated by borders so at the end of the day they might feel like there ancestors once lived and crossed through the american land without any worry in the past and they even used to settle there without any prejudice...

  4. Well it's obvious, it's that whole F U attitude they have. It's all about me me me is their thinking.

  5. That type of thinking is typical amongst criminals.  It's a sense of entitlement without working hard for what you want. We call that a free lunch for a free ride.  And why do we seem to get mainly the racist Mexican here, that's what I'm wondering.

  6. I don't!   F U

  7. Because they think everything magically just belongs to them.  

  8. Its a little something called "hypocritisism". America protests so loudly against occupation, and emphasizes "freedom for all". Thats a complete and disgusting joke. America has one of the worst human rights record EVER. WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korea, Gulf war, Iraq, Guantanamo bay, Mexican war, spanish war, and i can go on and on. And lets not forget the terrible treatment of Native Americans. So technically, nobody belongs on American soil besides NATIVE AMERICANS (keyword: NATIVE). So whenever some hillbilly complains about immigrants, i say "then go back on the same rat infested boat that brought your ancestors here"

  9.  I read up on

    what Doc Wright said about when they claim

    it was their land in the first place.

    What's with the F U, talk about attitudes

    and being self righteous.  The guy is just

    asking about this poll.  I'm also tired of hearing

    you're not a Christian if you protest against

    ILLEGALS.  If they're Legal, I have no

    problem with it.  What's with name calling

    here, calling people sickos.  How old are

    some of these people here?

    I remember that old expression, home away

    from home.  I have friends in the USA who

    say that and they're legal.

  10. WHY are so many people in the United States of America so RACIST against foreignors of all kind?????? You sound like a SICKO to me. Be glad if Mexicans think America is their home away from home, it means they feel comfortable in the U.S., it means they feel at home. Geez. Get over yourself. We all live in ONE world, on ONE planet. All other borders were created by man kind, SICK man kind. We are all human and the Lord created man to live together as one, not to cut each other out because of language, country of origin, skin color, or who knows what else.  

  11. Mostly the uneducated ones that think that way.

  12. It appears that you judge the depth and breadth of a man solely based on the geographical location of his birth. If only the life were as simplistic as some people's views...

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