
Why do Mexico and Canada have a Free Health care Systems, but in the USA is unaffordable for most Americans!?

by Guest33508  |  earlier

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I hope Democrats do omething for the people of america in regard to affordable or free Health care! it's about time!

Stop spending our taxes in foreign wars! Votre Democrats!




  1. Health care will not be affordable until you get insurance companies and lawyers out of medicine. When every one has to pay cash to the doctor that they can not sue you will see just how affordable health care can be. When a doctor has to compete in price with the doctor down the hall you will see what their time is really worth.

    Doctors are glorified plumbers.

  2. The tax rate in Canada for anyone earning a decent middle class income is 60%, when you add in Federal, Provincial and local income taxes. Despite that, a lot of Canadians who need eye surgery and reside in  Quebec Province are sent to  Plattsburgh, New York for that care.

    Several years ago, Brian Mulroney was the Prime Minster of Canada. He had to fly his aged mother to Miami to get open-heart surgery performed. If she had stayed on the waiting list in Quebec, she would have died first.

    A dog can get a CAT scan quicker in Ontario Province than a human. Other examples of rationed care, lack of available doctors and the like abound.

    Just remember. If you like the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Post Office, you're going to love nationalized  health care.

  3. you have to not pay for some thing when you engage in unwinnable wars

  4. I'm not sure about mexico, i guese they don't care about using too much money for their health system, as for canada, they have a very stable econimic because of past laws that made it so almost everyone has what they need , as for us the congress cares too much about how much is being spent mostly the republicans, by the way u know bush has vetod 4 healt care bills already, he needs to stop siding with the republicans.


  6. I'm with you on this one ... I'm on a fixed income (disability) and have been without medical insurance for the past three years. I am finally going to be eligible for Medicare in January, but that is going to cost me $96 a month, which will come out of my disability check. So, for those who think that the lower income people have it so easy, they need to check the facts on that one. Most of the people I know on disability have no insurance and very limited access to medical care. We wait until there is nothing else we can do for ourselves b/4 we make a trip to the emergency room.

    It disheartens me to see that there are so many here that believe that a universal health plan in the US will cause more problems than not, but the truth is that it will open doors for those of us who really need medical care, but don't qualify for Medicaid while we are waiting for Medicare. Once the disabled get Medicare, we still have to pay for Part B and Prescription coverage. Some states offer assistance for the premiums, but the qualification threshold is a lot lower than for Medicaid.

    I'm definitely voting Democrat in 2008 ... GO HILLARY!

  7. That is a very good question.  We all have been asking that for a very long time.  Did you also know that there was a bill put in to insure all children in the United States, but President Bush vetoed it this past week.  So what does that tell you.  And just remember the new President to be can say how they will change this matter, but the fact of the matter is I really don't believe it will never happen.  Talk is cheap!  And that my dear friend is what this campain  is all about.  And this is just my opinion and you know what that say about that.  Everybody has one.

  8. Have you ever experienced or known anyone who experienced either of those free health care systems? I have and both the Mexicans and Canadians hate their health care systems. One of my closest friends is Mexican and would rather pay out of pocket for a private physician than risk the clinic where, he pointed out, you will get a doctor who's overworked, underpaid, and pretty much just out of school. It isn't a whole lot different in Canada, as my future sister-in-law from Ottawa points out. As you can see, even the Brits think their "free" health care system isn't all you Dems make it out to be. Just because you don't have to pay for it directly, doesn't make it free.

  9. it's not free -- it's free*

    so read the fine print

    there are many people that don't have health insurance but could afford a health plan, they just choose to spend those dollars otherwise. their thinking is, "i don't need insurance, i'm healthy"

    it's not the governments duty to provide health care to the populace

  10. Because the US is run by a bunch of selfish ****oles, that don't care about common people.

  11. Hey slow down freeloader. Take that socialist viewpoint somewhere else and get on a slow boat to Cuba. There is no "free" healthcare. First off please remember that the US Government never spent a dollar that it didn't take from someone else. I'm not paying for your health care. Go out and earn it like your country gives you the opportunity to.

  12. Because your government decided a longtime ago that capitalism was a good idea. It seems profit is more important than human beings. Our healthcare system isn't perfect here in Canada. My son fell sick with Pneumonia and an asthma attack thrown in for good measure. The hospital would have costs upwards of $5000 and the meds would have cost $400. The total bill for me at the end of the day was $11.49. My country cares about me.

  13. First, Mexico does not have universal health care.  I am not sure where that idea came from, but it is not true.

    Second, Canada's health care system is propped up by those with money crossing the border and getting far superior care in the United States.

    Third most American can afford and do have proper heath care.  The vast majority of Americans have private insurance that covers the vast majority of the costs.

    If you want to ruin the best heath care system in the world, then vote Democrat.  If you want to improve heath care and create a system that can truly cover all Americans vote out liberals and neo-cons.  We need real conservatives in office.  Unfortunately, this will require voting out all Democrats and about 80% of the Republicans.

  14. because our country is soooooooo much better than yours!:)

  15. Its never free, you pay directly yourself or by insurance or the government pays for it from the taxes it collects.

    The advantage of the National system is a reasonable standard of care for all, this covers those unable to work, ever. They say you judge a society by the way it looks after the vulnerable.

    Some judge a health system by life expectancy and health dollars spent.

    You mentioned Canada, they spend half as much per head than the US yet have the same life expectancy.

    It comes down to political philosophy, left of right, the middle is good.

    Look up WHO, under countries and compare, very interesting.

  16. Because our taxes pay for services such as public health care, schools, age care, roads etc. So basically it comes down to taxes, taxes, taxes. But if you want a more detailed explanation read on:

    The level of tax the citizens of a country are prepared to pay will determine the level of public programs available. US citizens value low taxes. Note; just because a country provides a lot for their citizens it does not mean they are socialist countries - for example; Scandinavian nations (Finland, Sweden etc) their taxes are extremely high (I believe 50 to 52%) but their citizens have fantastic public services. Their services are of an extremely high standard.  When their kids go to school they do not even have to buy a pencil - absolutely everything is provided.

    In Australia - the taxes are on a sliding scale based on a person's income. Everyone pays a base rate and then as your income goes up past a certain threshold (figure) the income over that amount is charged at a higher tax rate. They have both private and public health care, schools etc. It works well, but the services are not as good as those in Scandanavian countries but probably as good as the Canadian system. My son broke his ankle during a sports accident - he needed surgery - we have private health cover and could have taken him to a private hospital - but we chose to go to the public system - everything was paid for. We went public because he has a disability and needed to be at a hospital near us and we are lucky enough to have a small public hospital 2 minutes from our house. But we could not choose the doctor or surgeon. Both my husband and I work and pay taxes - we are entitled to access services that we help to fund. In the private system I could choose who operates on my son and get a more nicely decorated room and nicer meals. But the medical care is the same in the private and public. There are good and bad doctors in both systems.  It is not totally perfect - but if you need surgery in an emergency you will get it and it will be to a high standard in high standard hospitals.    I can tell you clearly Australia is not a socialist/communist country - it is a democratic country - where by the way voting is compulsory.  We do not view public services as being there for free loaders - but being there for people that may need them at some stage in their life.  We will all need health care, schools, aged care at some time in our life.  I find it really strange how people c**p on about those that want to use public health as free loaders - yet those same people probably went to a public school - which is paid for out of taxes - if they are so opposed to it give they should give the government back the money that it cost for them to be educated - and make sure that if they have kids that they only go to private schools. They cant have it both ways. Free loader if you use public health - but it is my right to a free education during elementary school and high school.

    It comes down to values that the majority of voting citizens ask to be supported. Remember in the US it is not compulsory to vote - therefore the views of non voters are not considered - if you want better public services then vote for higher taxes or vote to say more money needs to be spent on health instead of something else e.g. war. Politicians make decisions on things that will get people to vote for them.

  17. You need to study up on this subject. Most Americans have a job that offers health care benefits. Canada and Mexico are good examples of what will happen if we go down the national health care road. It doesn't work and would require a huge increase in taxes.

  18. If Mexico has such a great health care system, why do all those illegals keep pouring into our country? Maybe if we didn't have to spend billions on caring for Mexicans here, we could spend some of that money on a Health Care plan!  Vote Republican!

  19. First and foremost, most able body Americans do not want the government to have too much control over their lives.  Government run health care will allow the government to do just that.

    Second, lower class people get some kind of aid from their states and federal.  Middle class people who cannot afford health care are idiots who choose not to because they spend their money on something else, like, smokes, dopes, and alcohol, gambling, etc., and then complain to the government.  

    Third, our current health care system is good but need improvement.  Government should fight to make health care affordable instead of taking over it.

    I can go on.

    Finally, you are free to go live in those countries that you believe have free health care and try it out.  Come back and report/brag about it.

    Don't forget that the increasing number of illegal immigrations is a fact that those countries is lousy at supporting their people.  They may have the so called "free" health care but at the people's expense.

    Socialism/communism rises when people let government control too much.

    This country is under 400 years old and we already forget why this country was born this way.  Some people already beginning to like socialism again.  Is this stupid or insane?

    I have a feeling those who want free health care are those who come to this country purely to take advantage of the already available government programs and our liberty but know nothing of the consequences of their actions or care not of the future of this nation's liberty.  I know some people who are like that.

  20. Cuz Canada and Mexico are superior democracies than the corrupt republican Bush's admn.

  21. Mexico does nto have a free healthcare system.

  22. who said mexico has free healthcare lol where u herad that from.  The main reason why U.S. don't had a universal healthcare(just remind we do had free health for seniors and kid depend on income)  Most of our budget is now spending on war.

  23. Both the right and left wings of the corporate class is the only groups who hold power in America.  They don't want their taxes raised to pay for health care for the working class.

  24. I am British, YAY lets jump on rusty nails and glass

  25. pure propaganda. lies.

    42 million "uninsured" includes 37 MILLION who make OVER 50,000 per year and the rest either make over 80,000 per year or are college students who spend their money on partying.  

    vote to stop socialism now!

  26. I think that the USA and the large insurance companies have allowed the medical system to get out of control.  On many prescription drugs, for example, they sell for much more in the US than they do in any other country.

    It's really just a matter of supply and demand.  Most large corporations outsource many services, so why can't large insurance companies authorize purchasing prescriptions from pharmacies outside the US?  It's the same principle.  Insurance companies dictate to doctors all the time what they will pay for services - they should do the same for prescription drugs.

    On another note, I'm not sure I want Uncle Sam too involved in my health care.  I appreciate my freedom to choose, and trust my ability to make informed decisions about my own and my children's healthcare.  I would rather place money in savings than to have to pay higher taxes to cover additional services, especially when the system I would be paying for I feel is pretty unreliable and inefficient.

    Another thought just occurred to me.  Many folks who are on an insurance plan (like through work or something), tend to have more surgeries and other procedures than someone on a lesser plan or paying out of pocket.  I have a friend with great insurance that has had 2 surgeries on her ankles.  If the insurance hadn't been so good the doctor would have told her to lose 100 pounds and start exercising to correct the problem.  Instead, he made lots of money doing useless surgeries, and she is still not in much better shape than she was before.  It just goes to show that we all need to take more responsibility for our own health, and not follow along like sheep to a slaughter.

    I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that until we fix what is wrong with the current system, making it free for all would not make it better or cheaper - and would probably just add to the confusion.

  27. Free - is only cheese in mousetrap.

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