
Why do Michae l jordan fans take Kobe fans so seriously?

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The only people who say kobe is better than Michael are.....

1. Teenagers or kids who didn't start watch basketball after 1993 the last year MJ was in his prime.

2. Laker fans

3. Experts who are trying to promote today's players




  1. well,duh of course it's Lakers fans that are saying all that!!

    ..I still want to hear from Kobe how Shaq's *** tastes =]

  2. The listing of reasons for your thesis can be flipped 360 degrees and turned against you.  The reason is that your list is biased from the get go.  You don't really have a thought through argument here and you're just an example of what you say you hate about the Kobe fans.  It's so transparent it's amusing.  

    To have an official answer to your question though....  Michael Jordan fans take Kobe so seriously because Kobe is a very exceptional basketball player.

  3. I think so, there mostly teenagers so there not that knowledgeable about basketball before '95.

    I'm a fan of both Kobe & MJ

    (And yes I know MJ is better)

  4. cuz M.J "jockers: are just Kobe haterz

    Tell me this M.J "fan":

    Who was M.J's toughest competition back in his prime days?

    Who was M.J's main competition for MVP back in the days?

  5. your stupid.. I was born 83, watched mj, watched Kobe fan of both, your talking out of your A$$, Nothing but a kobe hater, and speak for your self because I never said kobe was better than MJ, i know MJ is the truth, but kobe is the truth RIGHT NOW, so get use to it and quit sucking MJ d**k

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