
Why do NASCAR fans seem to think Racism and Sexual Harrasment is fine?

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i dont watch nascar but i saw on sportscenter how an african american lady placed a racial and sexual harrassment lawsuit on nascar, and nascar fired her for reporting it. She seemed hurt and upset by it with her interview on sportscenter. Its funny how nascar fans say its fine and okay because shes black and is a girl. Why does nascar fans assume racism and sexual harrasment is ok?




  1. NASCAR fans aren't all racist and I'm sure none of them think sexual harassment is fine. It doesn't matter what sport you're in or even what country for that matter of fact. Some people are racist because of the way they were raised. You need to calm down and think about this in a rational manner and not automatically assume it's true. People have lied before to get money. If it's true, I hope she gets some money in compensation for the harassment. However no one knows whether or not it's true yet. We'll just have to wait until the court hearings.

  2. Who said we said it was fine? Most people that I've talked to think that if her claims are legit, then shame on the officials who harrassed her, and we hope that she wins.

    But then again, you have to remember, this woman is dealing with a multi-billion dollar industry, and could also just be trying to make some $$$.

  3. The fans have nothing to do with it. The lawsuit is between the woman and NASCAR.

  4. why do trolls seem to think it's fine to ask ignorant questions about subjects they know absolutely nothing about?

  5. Wow, another troll. Where did you get the idea that all fans (yes, I'm an African-American and a NASCAR fan) think that racism and sexism is "fine"?

    Also, I agree with wanjoy.




  7. 1st thing~You are asking a question about something you know very little about. I have read the lawsuit & she didn't file a lawsuit until she was fired. If she was soo upset & distressed over everything that was supposedly done to her she would have quit. She would have never waited until she was fired to sue.

    2nd thing~She was a woman in a mans world. She had to expect a fair amout of sexual harassment. I worked at a truck stop, right off the interstate, on 3rd shift for 2 1/2 years. You have NO clue the stuff I put up with, but I am a grown woman who can handle myself, & I can give as well as I can take. Many of the women who worked there couldn't & ended up quiting in a matter of weeks.

    I was there from the day the opened until they closed. I never had a problem, especially after they figured out that I could handle myslef. And there were many nights that for, as many as 4 or more, hours I would be the only female in that store.

    My point is, when you are a woman & you choose to work in a place that is a male dominated place, you have to be able to take alot of c**p. You have to have balls to dish as well as you recieve. I'm not saying that she should have to put up with the racial discrimination as I do not condone racial discrimination of any kind. But she should have expected the sexual harassment.

  8. Well you're no better than what you're falsely accusing us of doing. You say we're all racists and we approve of sexual harassment, but you said so yourself you don't watch NASCAR so how the f*ck would you know? You don't know us, you're not in our circle. Get out of our forum and stay out until you learn some respect.

  9. Everyone forgot to mention that she was fired over two years ago....I think I'll get a job in a NBA locker room and see how  well I'm treated..

  10. She didn't follow protocol w/her problems first of all, second if she couldn't follow the rules then just because she is black/woman should she be treated any different than if a white male/woman did the same?  

    If you had an employee shouting stuff all over the place would you not get rid of them...especially if they did not follow your rules in the first place?

    I've been involved in racing in one form or another my entire life and I've always seen a diversity of people..s*x/race etc. and the only time anyone "screamed" about it is when they themselves broke a rule and wanted special treatment or felt they'd been wronged..and most times they had not.

    If you look back over history there have been many successfull people from all s*x/races within Nascar so pinpointing one individual and saying that all NASCAR fans think it's acceptable is unfair.

    Be carefull where you step as NASCAR fans are one of the fiercest set of fans out there...we've got the best bunch of guys/girls to represent a sport than pretty much any other sport....


  12. What fans said that?  I didn't hear them.

  13. there was a time back in the day, when this was true

    about 20 years ago or so....

    just as in Football,

    and a lot of "places" in society..

    I have not seen much evidence of this for a long time.

    Does it pop it's ugly head up every once in a while?

    Sure it does, but it is now in a VERY small minority,

    Just like in all walks of life.

    Let's try to keep it that way OK?

    And NOT stir it up more ???

  14. I know what you're saying and I understand, I really do BUT

    it's never fair to stereotype people this way.If there are five people who are fans and not like that, those five people are too many to offend by lumping them into a group they have nothing in common with.

  15. First off NASCAR fired her before she reported it. She didn't say anything till after she was fire. That seems suspicious. But NASCAR fans as a whole do not think that. Sure there are some racist rednecks that think its fine but not all do. People of many different races, including African Americans, like NASCAR. Your just being stereotypical. Who knows, maybe she is just money hungry?

  16. Well, your first mistake is that you don't even WATCH nascar!

    There are alot of black people working for race teams. Just as there are alot of white people working for race teams.

    If this incident has any merit, believe me Nascar will deal with it fairly. Their are alot of white people, black people and women in nascar. Don't be so shallow. For someone that isn't a sure are quick to slam a sport that you know nothing about.... Lay off the sportscenter!

  17. its really not

  18. they dont

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