
Why do Obama & DNC Want Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions ?

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""The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right," it said.;_ylt=AkPvqguxCSG4r8NbL3xjuRZh24cA




  1. I don't like the dems all that much. But if we paid for the abortions now, we wouldn't have to pay for the welfare later.

  2. Liberal Italienne, I fear for people like you. Unwanted children? Maybe they just should have been responsible in the first place? But this way they can place the blame on the government if R v W is overturned, so I guess that is the route you will be taking.

    If you can look someone in the eye, and tell them to kill the child growing inside of you, pay for it will your own money.

  3. To the democrats, the only thing America can't afford is the war in Iraq. Everything else should be picked up by tax payers.

  4. The conservatives insist on making abortion illegal.

    The liberals insist on making owning a gun illegal.

    The two corrupt parties have divided us up between them and we are stuck with them. We are stupid to allow this.

  5. Because the left is simply in love with infanticide!

  6. It's just a form of birth control for them.  That's what makes them inhumane and sick in the head.

  7. seems to be the only thing he is sticking by . he must feel all this talk about it is support rather than disdain.

  8. Quote:

    "...a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay..."

    You see, that's your problem. You have the Bush/McCain view that "if these b!tches get pregnant it's their fault and they've got to suffer".

    You don't stop to think of the dozens of different reasons WHY a woman elects to have an abortion - do you REALLY think they do it casually? That they haven't agonized over it? That the ones whose partner has run off and left them have to make the hardest decision of their life?

    No man (me included) should have any input on the choice that a woman makes, a choice that will often break their heart but one they have no alternative to.

    Try a little empathy instead of condemnation - and waving the Good Book over your head doesn't make you right, just bigoted and close minded.

  9. It's a lot cheaper than paying for 18 years of an unwanted child, and we know anti-life republicans don't want to help poor kids.

    That's B.S. about babies that survive abortions. It's probably never happened and some right wing wacko twisted the truth to make a big deal about nothing.

  10. The Dem's want to pay for all these social programs with the working class wages. The slap on the face is for those of us who oppose abortion is then having to pay for it as well. Abortion is an industry.  

  11. If you want to abort you should pay for it, period!

  12. For the same reason McCain & RNC want women to have more unwanted children by not funding birth control.

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