
Why do Obama supporters not recognize that all of his promises are empty promises?

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Yes he promises to "change" everything somehow and so on, but how do they not recognize that these are in reality empty promises? Obama will at best keep everything as it is now, if not make things even worse, in which case the "change" that he is discussing is negative change rather than positive change.




  1. Why don't you wait and see what he does.  I'll bet you voted for George W Bush because he said he was a Passionate Conservative (like George Carlin says, two words that don't go together) Or maybe because we said he was a Uniter.  If so, he didn't even try to do those two things.  So you are wrong again.  I'm willing to give Obama a chance.

  2. mccain and palins is racists anybodys who dont vote obama is racists

  3. Hmmm, so our choices are to vote for someone who says he will make changes, but might not, or someone who promises to keep things exactly the same.  If we want change, why wouldn't we vote for the guy who is at least talking about change?

    You lack of logic is astounding.

  4. Of course they don't recognize an empty promise.

    He sells a good speech!

    McCain 2008

  5. not empty promises. don,t be afraid of the next PRESIDENT

  6. Most Obama supporters are deeply ignorant and could care less about the facts that are on the ground. America's ignorance is one of our largest problems today and Obama merely plays on people's ignorance and misconceptions. It's a very sad situation.  

  7. Ummmm... okay, I think you broke the record for how many times a person can use rhetoric in a single sentence.

    Obama will change our policies by getting us out of Iraq, focusing on Al Qeida and funding education and healthcare...

    What's so hard to understand?

    If John McCain only has about 3 votes where he differed from Bush and the other Republicans, then doesn't that make Obama's point for him?

  8. I'm not a supporter of Obama nor do I live in the United States. But I think many Americans are just fed up with Republicans and their endless Iraqi war that they're willing to vote for anyone will get the GOP out.

  9. We won't know if any of his promises are empty until after his term is over, so it's rather banal to say his promises carry no merit.

    Remember Bush's mantra of "compassionate conservatism?"  That went out the White House Window the day he invaded Iraq.  Now no one who is a GOP wants to hear that mantra anymore.

  10. Oh, and McSame's promises are all going to come to fruition?

  11. Barack Obama says he will change Washington, but in the U.S. Senate, he requested nearly $1 billion in pork barrel spending. That’s a million dollars for every day he's been in office.

    Barack Obama says he will only raise taxes on the rich, but in the Senate, he voted for tax hikes that would have impacted those making just $42,000 per year. He has proposed tax increases on income taxes, capital gains taxes, dividend taxes and Social Security taxes.

    Barack Obama says he wants energy independence, but he opposes new drilling at home; opposes nuclear power; and opposes encouraging invention of an advanced, affordable electric car.

    On Iraq, Barack Obama says he wants peace, but even today he opposes the surge strategy that succeeded in Iraq and will succeed in Afghanistan. Barack Obama's policy of unconditional withdrawal could result in renewed violence and a third Iraq war.  

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