
Why do Obama supporters use this strategy against Palin: Keep flinging c**p until something sticks?!?

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Why do Obama supporters use this strategy against Palin: Keep flinging c**p until something sticks?!?




  1. they are desperate to find something to discredit her because she is such a strong candidate. It just makes them look weak and foolish. They are too afraid to even admit who they are running against. They want to run an election against Bush. But guess what? Bush is not running. So they are desperate to change the subject off of John McCain and Sarah Palin. They know they can't beat them on character or the issues.

  2. Obama supporters might have said something but Obama never.

  3. HA HA! That offends you? That is the same exact strategy employed by the Republicans. First they say Obama is a Muslim, then he is too Christian, then he is elite, then he is too weak and namby - pamby, and so on and so forth. When that did not work now they are going the whole "he will tax away your money" nonsense.

    When you move out of the glass house, let me know.  

  4. Pretty much.

  5. Like people still are trying to say that Obama is a Muslim?  

  6. Because Obama has nothing to support.  He has done nothing in office.  He did nothing in the state senate.  He speaks well, but you can't promote an eloquent bag of hot air.  They have to fling c**p; they have nothing positive of their own.

  7. Sometimes, it works.

  8. In all fairness, they are only pointing out the c**p she keeps pouring over herself.

    It's not really mean to point out that a pig that has been rolling in sh*t is covered in sh*t.

    James (below): "strong" candidate?  Oh come on: please be serious.  Even the most die-hard ultra Neo-Con isn't THAT deluded.

  9. Because that's all they know how to do.

  10. Because they have nothing else.  You can't say your the party for the middle class and equal rights while attacking Sarah.  She is the middle class and a female.  

    They are terrified of her as they should be. She's the girl next door and she's up against the establishment.  

    The dems are in serious trouble.  Sarah can attack while John talks agenda.

  11. Right....unlike: Obama is Muslim, he is not Christian, his cousin is a terrorist, his wife spouts 'whitey' from the pulpit, he had a g*y love affair and snorted coke with some dude named Larry, he's a commie, no wait...he's a socialist, he hates America, etc.

    The right wing tried everything to smear him. Fox News even had a super sensational report about him being taught in a 'madrassa'! Gasp! That's! Look out! Give me a break. At least the left isn't making up stuff...she's got enough that the facts support it...unlike your side that smears with total and utter lies.

  12. they are doing the samething the republicans did.How do you think the muslim and birth certificate rumors got started

  13. Because that is what dems do best.  Think about it:  They've lost 5 out of the last 7 elections.  They haven't had a dem with brains, honesty or morals in the white house for 45 years.  They are desperate.  

  14. Why do republicans insist that c**p is being thrown when, in actuality, facts are being presented?  Anytime a democrat says anything adverse about Palin or McCain, the sensitive republicans run around screaming foul.  Politics is debate and that is what we are engaged in.  Grow up, grow a spine and stop whining.

  15. why is she such a corrupt politician? threatening to fire the librarian for failing to censor books? srsly?

  16. They are ticked that she is regular folks.  Blue collar, accomplished, maverick, and not from the same old country club crowd of Washington.

  17. It's called the "Right" back at ya campaign technique.

  18. I say let the liberals spew all their sewage they want at Palin. She has proved she can handle herself against their vitriol and it has rallied Americans to her side and shown them that you have to wallow with the swine if you are in NObama's camp.

  19. read this then watch the video

  20. Because.... GASP!! They have tried to win on issues and if they cant brainwash intelligent people the Obots will just attack.

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