
Why do Obama;Hillary supporters assume that not supporting.?

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these two losers mean that a person would never support a Black or a Woman for President?...its posted on here very day,either as a question or in some kind of "answer"....seems that people forget what "assume" makes when you break it problem is with these two jokers policies,but i am constantly tarred with the same brush as the people who dont like Blacks or Women as gets old...why is this?.especially on Yahoo?




  1. Because they can only argue hyperbole and by doing so makes them enlightened and us just closed minded and archaic!

  2. if you dont support Obama you are dirt and will be attacked for using the "adjective of your choice" and lots of other things.whether you are guilty of them or not.....its an ugly thing when people hate on you because you disagree with them..on anything


  4. Maybe they criticize you for your choice of adjectives

  5. I dunno. My dad said he would vote for a woman, just not THAT woman.

    I feel that nowadays it is just a popularity contest, we don't seem to elect REAL leaders.  I can't say for certain that any of the candidates REALLY inspires, truly a set a part from them all in leadership ability, diplomacy, and the ability to bring this country together and not to further divide us.

  6. Yep.

    Please forgive the Liberals & Democrats----  they have never held a job.

    And have never worked a day in their lives.

  7. Your asinine assumption is wrong.  It is only the cult followers of Baracka who feel that way.  Many of his supporters are not members of his cult.

    Many people would love to have a qualified black person to elect.  Baracka just isn't the one.

    Clinton would make a fine President.  Maybe by 2012 people will have forgiven her for not divorcing her husband for his infidelity.  50% of women don't, yet the "family" platform folks still beat her up for it.

  8. their inclination is to hate anyone who doesnt worship at the Altar of Obama..its a culture thing..its common among liberals and democrats

  9. Many people think that if you don't vote for these two candidates you are being a racist and a sexist.  

    It is quite sad that some people have this mentality.

  10. they are so afraid that their boy wont win that they will attack you for even mentioning that he might not be Presidential material...which he isnt

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