
Why do PEople have to be social?

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WHen you don't want to participate, you've got to.




  1. Normal people are social animals!

    When friends see friends not behaving normally they try to bring them back to normal.

    It's a normal thing

  2. Humans are social creatures. Interaction is good to help people grow and develop. People are just trying to get you to grow. But yes, everyone does need alone time. It's healthy to have a good balance of both.

  3. I have learned over time that I certainly dont have to be social unless I want to and there is no guilt involved...

  4. Human beings, like dogs and many other animals, are social in nature. We are basically "pack" animals, and rely on others for survival. This is most evident in the way we reproduce. If we didn't "have" to be social, why would we produce sexually? Why don't women lay eggs somewhere and have a man fertilize it (I'm talking about basics here...not reproductive technology, although this is quite revealing about how our culture is getting away from social intimacy)?

    I've read about babies who were isolated in their first few months or years, and they died simply because of lack of human contact.

  5. When people are antisocial, their mental health weakens, and they can get depressed.

  6. you dont have to but then the thing is people start to get real suspicious like you have some kinda secret like to kill a mockingbird.

  7. You don't HAVE to be. No ones making you.

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