
Why do People Believe that Cheating is a reason to break up?

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Love and Cheating are two different things! I believe that you can be in love with someone, and still cheat on them...whats your opinion on this...I'm sure your going to let me know! I just don't understand why people cant work things out and let it go...Cheating does not stop you from loving!




  1. Yeah you can still love them but it doesn't mean you don't have hate for them. That hate will always be there and no matter if you try to make it better it will never be the same. trust is the most important part in a relationship and without it you basically have no relationship. It's not that easy to just forget about it. Let me ask you have you ever been cheated on or cheated. If you cheat yea it might be that simple to tell your partner so i made a mistake i won't do it again trust. It's not that easy. And if you are in love with this partner then cheating on them is just a S****y move sorry.  

  2. my speech:we all have different morals. some believe that love means giving all of yourself to one person, and devoting everything to them. Someone with this view would see cheating as focusing some of your sexual energy or passionate feelings on someone else, which takes that love away (and can hurt whoever you're cheating on). if you feel that love can be handed out, then sure cheating is perfectly acceptable because you're simply shifting your love to another person. As for most people though, loyalty is one of the most important aspects of love, as it shows true dedication; despite the fact that there might be someone more attractive down the road. Thats my 2 cents

  3. There is a difference yes. But when it involves cheating then you've got to think what motivated the cheating, opportunity, circumstances, fighting with the significant other, alcohol, drugs, not finding your mate attractive, pregnancy. There are many reasons why. My question to you would be what would motivate you to stay with someone who consciously made that decision. My ex-spouse made the conscious choices to cheat, yes I forgave him, yes I loved him, but I never forgot. I could never forget that he made the decision to betray me in that way. I never trusted him the same after that.

    good luck with your decision.  

  4. OK when your gettng married you vow to be faithful. FAITHFUL!! Boyfriend and Girlfriend is the phase before you get married. If you can't be faithful then you can't be faithful or trusted when your married.

  5. Love is based on trust. When you go behind your partners back and become intimate (whether physically or emotionally), you are make a statement about your personal character as well as the importance you place on your relationship.

    Once trust is lost or damaged in a relationship it is very difficult to regain. If you can't trust your partner it poisons the love you share.

    Yes, some couples are able to put cheating behind them and attempt to move on but there is always going to be that niggling worry and doubt of your partners faithfulness and commitment.

  6. My boyfriend of two years has cheated on me four times since we have been together and we are still together although it hasn'tt stopped me form loving him Idon'tt respect him as much as I used to. I could never cheat on him though or anyone else. He claims he loves me even though he has hurt me, all the times he betrayed me he was drunk but we worked thinks out, he never drinks any more. i think it depends on thee circumstances and on the couple.


  7. Cheating on someone shows that you aren't committed to them, and that you'll go sleep with someone else because you don't care about them, you don't truly love them enough to stay with them.

  8. ok I agree with you on just because someone cheats on you doesn't mean that you stop loving them but usually if someone cheats on you it is proving that they don't love you and have no respect for you. Why else would they cheat?  And no one likes being in a one way relationship. Respect and love has to go both ways or its not worth it. Also when someone cheats they are betraying the other person's trust. You can't have a good relationship without trust. You can try to work it out and let it go but it will always be there in the back of your mind.  

  9. Love = Trust

    Cheating = deceit

    deceit =/= trust

    a relationship with no trust can not last

    If you can't see why cheating is wrong..maybe there's something wrong with you and not everyone else

    EDIT: look why the h**l even ask the question if you're going to ignore what people say about it and keep making excuses and saying oh but he still loves me... all that says is that he loves a complete jackass!

  10. Stops U from trusting

  11. I disagree. Real love is founded on trust, honesty and affection. If someone screws around on you then all trust is gone. It shows this person is dishonest. Once a cheater always a cheater. I would never trust anyone who cheated on me and I would dump so fast they would see stars. Sounds to me like you go caught cheating and got dumped

    and now are trying to get someone to justify your disloyalty and

    dishonesty. If you REALLY loved someone you would never hurt them by cheating on them. Suggest you grow up.

  12. because if they cheat, that means they arent true to only you, and you cant trust them.

  13. cheating aint right..bottom line

  14. No, cheating does not stop you from loving, BUT, if you truly love someone, I feel you have NO reason whatsoever of cheating on them.  To me, cheating is a betrayal of your love for someone. From a standpoint of someone who has been cheated on, I feel it betrays your trust in them.  If you cheat on someone there either is something lacking in a relationship for one to be out looking around to even do the cheating, or as in my case, I/we found out he had a serious problem being a womanizer.  He had to go to counseling for his situation.  If you truly love someone, you wouldn't even give it second tho't of cheating on the one you loved.  You wouldn't want to betray them. hurt them, or disrespect your love for them.  It is something you can forgive someone for doing, but you'll never forget it.  Believe me, if they're late coming home your mind automatically clicks into where they are, what they're doing, if they're w/someone.  You just can't forget it.  But you are rite in that is still does not keep you from loving that person...:)

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