
Why do People Hate Cena?

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I mean From what I've seen he has more haters than he does fans...Why?

I mean even at summer slam through out his match with Batista you could hear the constant boos delivered towards him.

I mean i know he's not the best out there but he's all we've got...Maybe he'll improve maybe he wont..In my personal opinion i think he's very talented...But I do have my choice of Wrestlers like HBK and His opponent of Last night Batista. So does anyone want to share their opinions on his Wrestler? Tell me why you hate him, or why not.




  1. I hate it when people boo Cena. Just because you donut like him doesn't mean you have to boo him and ruin wwe storyline. Cena is a human being and hes trying his best. Fans are a******s.

  2. I don't hate him but people have their own opinion who thay choose to dislike or hate.  I can't stand Edge. I think Cena has talent though

  3. i'm a fan of John Cena, and i agree with what you said! i know that cena is not the best wrestler ,but he works hard just like other wrestlers out there. and he's a good guy out side the ring! and to all cena dislikers (i prefer using dislikers than haters)  , please at least give him respect. he's not a jerk outside the ring like batista (i guess you all know why i called batista a jerk)

  4. why is this question asked everyday??? Who cares if somebody doesn't like him then that's cool with me if the do or don't but stop asking every week why people hate him!

  5. Every Wrestler has haters and fans - thats just the way it goes. Everyone is entitled to their own Opinion.

    In all honesty though, i dont mind John Cena, im neutral on him. Im not a fan of John Cena and im not a hater either. John Cena has always had my respect. He is not as bad as people make him out to be.

    The thing is though, people make him out to be some kind of Super Villan. When the fact is he isn't. They are hating on an innocent man who has done nothing wrong but follow what WWE has told him to do. I respect every wrestler that goes into that ring - so should everybody else, even if they do dislike them.

    But John Cena i respect his work outside WWE. He does ALOT for Charity and really takes his time with the Fans. He is really dedicated like that. And people say he sucks in the ring but i've seen worse than him and better than him. People need to remember its storylines and they say he sucked up to Vince, which may well be true, but they dont hate on Triple H like they do with Cena for Marrying the bosses daughter which is even worse.

    Im not a huge fan at all. Like i said i am neutral but leaning towards liking him. Even the haters should respect the work he does for his fans and for Charity. Im probably gonna get thumbs down for this but im being honest.

  6. Some people are just ignorant. I'm not saying you HAVE to like Cena or you're stupid. Not at all. But I do get annoyed at the people who think it's "uncool" to like Cena because of his obviously large children/women fanbase. That's a stupid reason not to like someone.

    Some people don't like him because they think he has only five moves, but whatever. They still work. He may get booed at the beginning and throughout the match, but near the end, the boos get WAY softer. Then by the end of the match, about 3/4 of the crowd is yelling "You can't see me!." So basically his moveset is limited, but it works.

    Some people also don't like him because he had a year long title reign. They tend to ignore the fact that Triple H has held the title TWELVE TIMES, maybe thirteen now, I don't know, and NEVER loses. Last night was TERRIBLE. We all knew that the poor little Triple H would miraculously come back and SOMEHOW be able to get the Pedigree on Triple H. It wasn't even a surprise. He may have earned most of his title reigns, but he's taking advantage of his marriage to Stephanie, no doubt.

    Basically to me, Cena is a good wrestler. He's entertaining, and unlike some, WILLING to lose. That showed last night when he lost to Batista, and again when he lost to JBL and Cody and Ted before, and plenty of other times he's willingly lost because he wants to make the people happy. He does more charity work than anyone, and somehow people make fun of that too. I went to Night of Champions, and some prick held up a sign that said "Cena is just a charity case." What a low thing to make fun of. Then I saw a sign at Raw Monday that said "I hate Cena's parents. I really do." How Cena stood there and took it, I'll never know, because I would have shoved the sign up the kid's butt. He stands there and takes the hate and takes the criticism because he still knows kids and people everywhere look up to him. He seems to genuinely care about us as fans and I respect him beyond measure for that. You can see how much it hurts him to get booed, but like I said, he takes it.

    He's the real thing in my opinion.

    Like I said, MY opinion. I'll probably get a hundred thumbs downs from haters who won't even bother to read this.  

  7. Why do people hate Hitler? He sucks.

  8. We dont hate him it's just that we are sick of seeing him do the same thing over and over again.

  9. cena sucks period

  10. Why do people hate Brittney Spears?

    Because it is their opinion.

    People are so sensitive.

  11. He is not all you got. Why did you make that statement. see, this is the reason we have to over compansate our hatred with CENA and it is because you CENA fans make such statements. HE IS NOT ALL WE GOT and you do not have to say that. there are at least 20 wrestlers that are plenty better than CENA. give me a ffrreeeaaakkkiiiinnn break. I HATE JOHN CENA because of his fans

  12. They hate him for being a a champ for however long, which was ages ago people need to just move on, I personally respect him for his passion for the business. Also the fact that he used to be this unstoppable invincible guy, but is not like that anymore so I don't see why hes still getting booed and all that. But I guess it's just peoples opinion.

    And you know what hes not a great wrestler or he just be limited and might turn out to be great,  it doesn't mean people should dedicate themselves to hating him that's just sad. As for me as long as he ain't WWE champ or WH champ, I could care less. He's cool with me

  13. I do not hate him, the person, I hate him as a wrestler. When he first started out, and he had his thug gimmick going to the max, I thought he was very entertaining in the ring. But since he became a face, he seems to have toned down his skills considerably. He is still very good on the mic, and I really enjoy listening to him talk.

    However, I also know that, in the WWE, what Vinny wants, Vinny gets. I am sure it was Vince that has asked him to change up his style or something like that, and it has in turn made some people really dislike him, whereas he also still has quite a few fans, mostly children, but they are still fans nonetheless. And since WWE is aiming for the child audience at the moment, it is perfectly fine for them this way.

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