
Why do Police do Racial profiling in Hanover Park Illinois?

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My daughter (who is black) was pulled over for have a very small air freshner haning from her rearview mirror. This white racist cop went out of his way(u-turn on a busy street) to single out a black lady. I wonder how many tickets he have written for such a small thing. I hate white police.




  1. Racial profiling is a common, in some circumstances it can be an effective way of fighting crime.  I doubt that profiling was the case in this instance.  It sounds more like an overzealous cop who had a hair up his butt that day.  If you've got the time, you should research the law and contest the violation.  (stupid law)  It probably won't get you anywhere unless you made a real fight of it, (appeals), but, if you've got the time it may get the point across.

  2. with your "I hate white police" comment

    it appears that you are the racist

  3. "I hate white police."

    Yeah, you're not racist.

  4. Stop pulling the racist card everytime you get in trouble for something. White people get pulled over for the same kind of stuff. Maybe you would be treated a little more equally if you treated everyone else equally as well. Once you pull the race card, you're worse then everyone else.

  5. Why do you racially profile white police officers?

  6. 100% correct that police do racial profiling. 100% correct that you are lowering yourself to their level with the statement "I hate white police". Instead you should say I hate anyone who judges another person based solely on the color of their skin, nationality, sexual orientation, or beliefs. Yes sadly there are and will always be small minded people, be sure that you are not one of them and that you do not raise your daughter to be the same but to Judge someone by their actions not the color of their skin.

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