
Why do Ppl seem to bash teens?

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Why do ppl bash teens for getting pregnant but also get upset when they want to have an abortion? Doesn't seem to make sense. And what do the ppl say about the teens that are being successful at being a teen parent? That are still in school, working, or doing w/e they have to do for there child. I find it weird that we can bash them instead of helping them and giving them words of encouragement. Even though teen pregnancy is wrong- but lets not be hypocritical i bet 90 percent of you were having s*x when you were a teen and in high school. And do ppl bash the females and not the males? Just curious

&& watch how ppl say "oh they can give the baby up for adoption"- but i didn't ask anything about adoption- i mentioned abortion.

PS that doesn't mean teens should go out there and have unprotected s*x and get pregnant.




  1. I have a step sister who had unprotected s*x and now she has a baby at the age of sixteen.

    In my opinion they can bash them either way, they shouldn't get pregnant, and if they never got pregnant then they wouldn't even have to think about abortion.

    The problem is as the number of teen pregnancy cases increase the more it seems acceptable.

    And the reason people bash them is the majority of them don't have jobs and expect their parents to support them and their child. Most aren't that successful. And first of all they can't do what all they need to do for their child, first off they are too young and they obviously can't raise themselves so they don't need to be raising a child, most can't support themselves and the child especially if they are in school because  having a job plusing watching a kid isn't really possible, they have to fall back on someone to assist them, and our tax dollars support them, so people do have a right to bash them when their tax dollars are supporting them.

    And I'm not being hypocritical because I'm a teen myself and I am still a virgin in 11th grade in IB taking all AP courses, it isn't that hard not to sleep around and do good in school.

  2. Becuase we are younger and the older people think that we don't have experiences in this kind of stuff.

  3. Becuase it is upsetting when someone young gets pregnant because you know that they are going to stuggle. Statistics show that children from teen parents are least likely to suceed in life. The reason why they bash teen on having abortions is because you decided to have s*x and so you should live with the consequences. not everything in life and be fixed so easily. I presonally bash the males as well. Especially the so called "Players" who have lots of baby momma's. I lost respect for my cousin for impregnating a 17 yr old girl when he was 23. She could have been a model and had been offered a contract and lost it all because she had a baby

  4. they don't need to bash teens, they need to bash their parents.

  5. Well, you shouldn't being having s*x in the first place as a teen. Alot of people find abortion to be very wrong because you are killing a living being. And the teen is the one who went and got pregnant, alot of people don't think they deserve sympathy. It's called common sense. Don't get pregnant as a teen. And as you say how females get it harder then males is because some of the time, the male will just leave the female with the baby. Adoption is alot better then abortion, you're giving the baby a chance at life, not ending it because you made a mistake.

  6. because teens are STUPID

    some of them, anyways

  7. Why are you asking yahoo? Go throw this philosophy in the face of someone in the forefront of the matter

  8. I won't be hypocritical. The FIRST time I had s*x was with my husband on our wedding night(I was 19, he was 20). Unfortunately, for the most part, teen pregnancy and abortion go hand in hand. So while people are bashing teen pregnancy it is usually because it's linked to having an abortion.

    I'm find it really hard to encourage or support someone that has absolutely no right to be having s*x and cannot deal with the consequences that may arise. My husband and I sometimes struggle with the way today's economy is so I find it hard to believe that a teen can support a baby the way a baby SHOULD be supported.

    I'll admit that I'm sure there are some teens that are doing a darn good job at raising their babies, and kudos to them. Unfortunately they are not all like that and it usually leads to the worst case scenario(abortion).

  9. i know u r soooo right like in most cases  ppl only blame the  girl  but what about the boy they cut slack cause  the girl spread her legs !but yeah i have not heard any body saw what a good job that teen mom has done or support her

    i hope this will change 1 day

  10. People bash everyone.  No one is free of the critical eye of society.  

    But, if you are asking why people criticize others for making unwise decisions and compromising their future, it is because we all know better than the next.

  11. people bash pregnant teens because a considerable amount of them grew up in places where teen pregnancy was just unheard of....

    and then the next generation grow up in houses with these people, and begin to think it's wrong, too

    i'm not scandalized, but i am against it


    it's not fair to the baby. the society out there can be cruel, and being mothered by a teen is kind an invite to stuff that kid in a locker, when they're older.

    and it's not fair to the parents


    it's their teenager, and they will most likely end up doing alot of taking care of the baby, although it isn't really optional for them. the other option is throw their own child out on the street.

    and if it was an accident, then the teen will NOT enjoy the rest of that time and probably not be able to take care of themselves.


    that's why.

  12. Does that mean everyone that wasn't having s*x as a teen are still allowed to bash the teenagers?  People aren't bashing, they are stating their opinion on things to teenagers asking the questions.  And most of them are females here asking questions about how they might have gotten pregnant, what do they do if they are pregnant and how do they tell their parents.  After seeing so many of these, you have to start thinking that teenagers are either stupid enough not to know how they get pregnant, or just don't care enough about themselves to either A.  Wait  B. Protect themselves.  And thus they get bashed.  If they are old enough to have s*x in the first place, they should already know the answers to all the questions they are asking.

    People give the adoption because many people here aren't for abortion so of course are going to answer the question with the alternative.  If people don't want answers don't ask questions on public forums where anyone can answer them.


    hahaha erm cus theyre just hypocrytes themselves dude

  14. You have to consider the rights of the baby.  Abortion is murder.  How would you like it if you had been aborted without being consulted?  Even if you use protection, you not guaranteed that you won't get pregnant.  Stuff happens.  It's about making wise choices....both teens and adults can make unwise choices, but a teen doesn't have the life experience.  Any teen who is still in school, and wants to get pregnant shows a lack of wisdom and maturity.  Not many single mom's will say it wasn't sucessful, because it hurts their pride, but if you asked those same mom's if they wanted their daughter's to follow in their footsteps the answer would be absolutely not.

    Anyone is bad if there is no accountability and taking responsibilities of their own actions, .  A person saying they will have an abortion shows a lack of accountability and absolute selfishness.  Our laws reflect those beliefs for the youth and we are reaping the stupidity of those laws today with the attitudes.  A teen who steals and is caught should be treated equally to an adult who steals.  

    Many times what feels like bashing is a parent who cares has been there and doesn't want you or whoever to make the same mistake.  You have to look at the motivations of the person who is saying it, and not instantly get your back against the wall.  Ask yourself are they trying to tell me something I should listen to?  Every choice we make has blessings or consequences and your choices affect those around you.  Rhetorically speaking, no one can go around and sleep with everything on two legs and not get an STD, or an unwanted pregnancy with the father taking off or whatever.  You will pay for it one way or another as you reap what you sow.  There are very good reasons to wait until marriage.

  15. It's not nice to bash... but it is also incredibly immature for teens to be having s*x at their age and they should be told so in an appropriate way.  

    People get upset because teens are usually not old enough to handle the stresses of having s*x and becoming a parent at such a young age.  Most are nervous, don't want to tell their parents and are afraid to tell the boyfriend.  If they are afraid to do these things, they are not old enough to get involved with adult matters.  People get angry because these teens have put the babies in a very serious situation, as well as their families.  This is not a little matter.  If they can handle taking care of their child, good for them.  But that is usually not the case.  

    Abortion is murder.  Period.  I am upset with any teen who has decided to have s*x, knowing the consequences, and then decides to murder an innocent life because they made an "oopsie."  That's sick and pathetic.  Basically, I think it's as low as you can get.  That teen will probably regret such a big decision later in life, too.

  16. Alright we bash cuz its stupid 4 someone to get pregnant at an early age and the abortionthin cuz they show no responsibiltyon taking on another life. People dont wanna promote that its easy being a parent cuz its not and sure ome teens are good but theyll tell its not easy.

  17. teens are stupid because they think they can do whatever they want without any consequences..... never listening to their parents who have actually been there and done that. When the sh  itt hits the fan guess who they turn to for help. They deserve to be battered for it. Its  a welcoming into adulthood

  18. I think it's a shame that more and more teens are getting pregnant. I also don't like it when people try to glamorize teen pregnancy by making movies about it. I think abortion is fine but it should NOT be a form of birth control! If there are teens that are taking care of their babies and doing their best in school then great. But no matter how hard they try they are being a burden on their families and probably to society as well. Sounds bad but that's just my humble opinion.

  19. You're answering the question yourself.  Teens shouldn't be having unprotected s*x.  To do that is just plain stupid. So, yes, it is stupid for teens to get pregnant, also stupid for them to have an abortion and stupid for them to try to be parents. There are SOME that are surviving as parents, but I PROMISE you that the success they would have as parents, and as individuals outside of parenthood would be increased tenfold if they didn't try raising kids till they were closer to 30. And honestly, adoption should be promoted a whole lot more than it is a bona fide option.   Here's my perspective:

    My mother was 17 when she had me, nearly had an abortion, but pulled the IV out and left (yes that's how close she was) and *tried* to be a parent to me for 5 months.  She realized how incredibly hard it was, and that I'd have a better life with parents who desperately wanted a baby and were ready for one.  I was given up for adoption, and had a second chance at a decent life.  Me?  I had s*x as a teenager, protected 90% of the time, and just darn lucky the rest of the time.  Now that I'm a parent myself, I realize how incredibly hard it is...even now, when I'm close to 30 and really an adult.  Had I known how hard parenting really is, I would not have had s*x as early, and would NEVER have had unprotected s*x at's NOT worth the chance.  

    SO....bash teenagers?  I don't know that we need to do that....but with all the education that's available, there's just no excuse for teen pregnancy - unless it's something they're choosing, which is just plain absurd and stupid, and shortsighted and immature.  If you're not old and mature enough to understand exactly how babies are made, and exactly when you could get pregnant and exactly what it all means, then there's no way you're near mature enough to be having s*x at all.  Teens don't seem to understand long term we need to do more to educate?  You tell me......

  20. Yes i admit i had s*x starting at age 16 but i had sense to know to get on birth control. I did not get pregnant until i wanted too which was when i was 21. I am still with the one i lost my virginity too. We have been together for 13 years and have a 6 year old son.

    There is no reason for a teen to get pregnant when you can get FREE BIRTH CONTROL at the health department.

    I have nothing against anyone who has an abortion because it is their own bodies and decision.

    There are more bad teen moms than they are good ones.

    Some may still go to school, get out and work but were does that baby usually get threw on? The girls parents which is wrong.

  21. okay here is the thing, for the most part sexual intercourse is supposed to be a thing between a husband or a wife or with someone you are going to be serious with. most teens have s*x because they think its cool, or it feels good, and when they can't handle the consequence of their action they think killing something they brought into this world is better than acting like an adult, since they commited an adult act. i think if you are a teenager having s*x , and not wanting a child, i know most states have a free healthcare center that will allow you on birth control  for FREE meaning you can control your actions responsibly.

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