In Australia, hence the terminology ! Priviledged Elitist Private Schools such as The Kings School in Sydney are subsidised by hundreds of thousands of tax payers dollars every year ! They are so priviledged and also have the ability to further raise hundreds of thousands of dollars a year through sponsorships, and "contributions" as well as through their "old boys" club !
I find it disgusting that spoilt little brats whos mummy & dady pay $30,000 a year for them to board there are given vast amounts of Government funding at our expense while Public School kids are taught out of demountables with no air conditioning in searing heat !
Kings School is further assisted because of its post code, as it is located in what was once a less privildged post code but an extreamly prestigious School it still qualifies some how as a less advantaged area. They have professional resources that would make a World class sporting team blush ! All the while the funds are never allocated by need.