
Why do Qadianis post links of their web sites when a Muslim ask an Islamic question?

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This is not very nice from them when someone asks something about Islam and they keep posting their Qadiani links here.

Qadiani sources are never reliable to any of us as they are not considered to be Muslims.

Everyone, please beware of the Qadianis.

Its annoying that, we already told them like 1 million times not to do that, but they still keep doing it. They deny to write "Qadiani" in the source box.. as a result, people are getting confused by their answers everyday.




  1. They want to misguide us.

  2. 1- You cant demand anyone identify themselves as anything, thats like what hitler did with Jews, and that's disgusting.

    2- You cant tell some one what they can and cannot post on a public forum

    3- Yea I saw that before, just as long as people continue to be aware of what they are cliking on hopefully no one get confused...

    I dont disagree with the fact that giving qadiani sources is misleading however I disagree with your method

  3. I might be a dumb, but what about the Ulamas?Can you show me 'ONE' scholar in ''Islam'' who consider Qadianis as Muslims?

    Yes, there are many, but the only diffrence is that THOSe ULEMAS become Ahmadi when they find the truth. As far as other Ulemas are concernes, I will suffice on mentioning the name of Abu Jehel. Once one of the few Aalims of Mecca and now the world knows him by Abu Jehel.

    The Ulemas that you so love, the Prophet (saw) Himself said that in the latter days "the Ulema would be the worst creatures on the face of the earth and will create fitnah and Fasad". These are the words of the Best of Prophets and well if you can LOL @ Let Allah decide, then I am sure this Hadith wont mean anything to you.

    You need to calm down. Its for your own good


    @ victimof Mutaa : no we dont practice Mutah...

  4. Now, now--remember Islam is a religion of Peace.

  5. the same reason why shias made their sites and focused for new Muslims to misguide them even thought the new Muslims said Quran and Sunnah

    see this site by shias !

    and shias throw their sites in New Muslims questions

    one of new Muslims told them i mean Sunnah(sunni)

    however i believe who Allah guide him for the truth these things will not stop him !

  6. It's a free world, he can if he want to, maybe he feels the same way about your links.

    Edit: No what you mean to say is that Allah gave us hadith and Quran, so we do not need a brain........... correct?

  7. they wants to change people mind{i mean muslims mind} into their own Faith!!!!

    i hope every one is aware of it!!

  8. they create fitna for every muslim

    kadyani is kafirr there imam dies in toilet because of he stuck his own    s h i t in his mouth

  9. I don't get it. Everytime I see a Mohammadan in America coming on t.v. or something he/she is all humble and crying and stuff and telling everyone in the world that they are really nice people and don't hate anyone and that "Islam means 'peace'" and they want to be friends with everyone and so so so (I especially liked that really cute cover picture of "Muslims in America" on the cover of Newsweek a couple years back...). But then, when you are in your natural element you start going at it again with all kinds people, like Ahmadi Muslims. Why so double-faced? Why does it seem that you Mohammadans seem to have a problem with everyone in the world? I mean, you seem to have problems with Christians, problems with Jewish people, problems with Hindus, even problems with your yourself (like the Sunni and Shia). And you are doing this after having brutally murdered two of your own Khalifas and the grandchildren of OUR Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). You mean you still don't know why the world hates you so much? Think people, think.

  10. salam brother.

    could you please the websites that are qadiyani backed. please.

    @1qfactor: what kind of khadiyani are you??

    do you believe that mirza gulam khadiyani is a prophet?? do you believe in jinns???

    all ahmedies or qadiyanis realise that muhammed is the last prophet and Allah says in the Quraan that he is 'KHAATEM UL AMBIYAA' THE SEAL OF THE PROPHET.

    now don't give the exp that the prophet Muhammed had a seal on his back . Allah did not say that he is the prophet with a seal he said that the prophet Muhammed seald the doors of prophethood.

    do you have any idea where MIRZA GHULAM QADIYANI died???

    if you dont please tell. i'll tell you.

    he died in the toilet whith his face tugged in stool!!!

    it's the truth.(no offence) i have studied the sect qadiyani.

    anyway 1qfactor, i did'nt expect this from you. please pondr if Mirza qadiyani would have ben the prophet would Allah take his life in such a humiliating manner???

    salam to all.

    may Allah guide all humans and forgive us.

    pple pls forgive me if my conduct was wrong.

    salam alaykum.

    @keepinitreal: i have just written what happened with mirza gulam qadiyani. no nonmuslim has either had such a humeliating death! your mirza gulam is no different from  aswad al ansi and musailima al-kazzaab. the prophet asked his companions and abu bakkar fought against them cuz they were kuffaar. they did the same thing what mirza gulam did. they claimed prophethood. rasoolullah ordered his companions to kill musailima cuz he did that but here things are different no one killed mirza and so Allah gave humiliation to him in this world and will have it in al-aakhira.

    if you follow him, answer my questions.

    do you know when he was born??

    do you know when he died???

    did you the answer to how he died b4 i answered it??

    i bet you did not know and i can say that you're gonna say that he did not die that way.but it's the truth. everyone knows that (muslims and nonmuslims) except the khaadiyaani.

    according to sheikh suhayl of jordan he says' these people come and mix with the muslims but keep away from them the won't be identified either.with the whites they are white and with the blacks they are black. they are not permitted into haram but they enter cuz there's no one to ask whicj sect do u belong in  the enterance of both the haram.'

  11. What if the person who posted the question is a Qadiani?

    I think the person who posted the question would know better than to use the link, unless he was a Qadiani.

  12. Well they r afraid to argue with Muslims,the only effective weapon is to throw sites!!!

    like when they can't explain anything,

    throw a site and run like the wind,!!!

    A Qadyani throwed me a link and ran away from debating me!!

    Check out my wbesite

  13. Allah did give us Quran and Hadith. And he gave us a brain. Read up on the incident with Hadhrat Usama bin Zaid (ra) when he killed a man who had professed the shahadah. He told the Holy Prophet (saw) that the man did out to avoid death but the Holy Prophet asked him if he cut open the man's heart to see his intentions. Hadhrat Usama bin Zaid (ra) later remarked he wished he wasn't Muslim so that he could accept Islam that very day. So my friend, how many hearts have you cut up? 72 sects consider themselves to be proper and only one to be hellish? Wait a minute the hadith goes the other way doesn't it?

    Brother I encourage you to ask questions. I also encourage you to read the replies you'll receive.

    Oh and are you sure the user was Qadiani? I don't know why but I'm sure he/she wasn't from Qadian.

    Brother from Quran and Hadith we know that an ummati prophet will come. You believe it to Hadhrat Isa (as). We believe that Hadhrat Isa (as) has passed away. The word khatam has been used in history many times referring to people who were the greatest, or of the highest degree. Even in hadith we find that khilafat will come on the precept of prophethood (masnad ahmad). Hadhrat Ayesha also said the Holy Prophet is Khatamun Nabiyeen but do not think that other prophet will not come.

  14. Assalamo Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu! (i mean every word of that)

    I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Allah!  

    I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw)!

    I like how you throw the word "Qadiani" around.  It reminds me of an incident back in the days of Rasool Allah (saw) when a non-Muslim asked the Prophet's companions if they were Muslim.  The companions simply replied, "Inshallah."  Why is that?  Simply because to be a Muslim means to completely submit oneself to Allah.  And what happens when one completely submits to Allah?  

    "When a person's love of God reaches a stage at which his living and his dying is not for his own sake but is entirely for God, the God, Who has always loved those who love Him, bestows His love upon him and by the meeting of these two loves, a light is generated inside the person which the world cannot recognize or understand."  

    My brother, that is why the idol-worshippers of Mecca could not understand what was happening when Muhammad (saw) came within their midst.  My brother, that is why the much of the world does not understand what is happening in regards to Muhammad (saw).  My brother, that is why much of the Muslim world does not understand what is happening with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).


    Muslim who believes in the Mahdi

  15. Ahmadi Muslims follow Islam.  That is why we post or or or or or or the countless other websites out there by different countries because they preach true Islam.  

    Just beacuse you don't agree brother, doesn't give you the right to decide who is a Muslim and who is not.  Only Allah can decide that as I'm sure you know.

    Hope that clarifies it for you dear brother.  May Allah always bless you.


    @Asker - "lol @ ''only Allah can decide that'' - Wow brother.  May Allah be your guide indeed.

    love for all, hatred for none

  16. Imam Ali (as) said: No wealth is more useful than intelligence and wisdom; no solitude is more horrible than when people avoid you on account of your vanity and conceit or when you wrongly consider yourself above everybody to confide and consult; no eminence is more exalting than piety; no companion can prove more useful than politeness; no heritage is better than culture; no leader is superior to Divine Guidance; no deal is more profitable than good deeds; no profit is greater than Divine Reward; no abstinence is better than to restrain one's mind from doubts (about religion); no virtue is better than refraining from prohibited deeds; no knowledge is superior to deep thinking and prudence; no worship or prayers are more sacred than fulfillment of obligations and duties, no religious faith is loftier than feeling ashamed of doing wrong and bearing calamities patiently; no eminence is greater than to adopt humbleness; no exaltation is superior to knowledge; nothing is more respectable than forgiveness and forbear- ance; no support and defense are stronger than consultation.  

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